Rescuing The January 6th Protesters, With Guest Gary Heavin
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The Great George Carlin and Politicians then and now
Writes Tim McGraw:
Decades ago, George Carlin was given an award by the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. You can find the video of the event on YouTube. Carlin gave a speech. About 1/2 through the speech, George started to talk about politicians. A group of people in D.C. that the reporters and editors in the audience knew quite a bit about.
I’ll paraphrase. By all means, look up the YouTube video of George Carlin at the National Press Club to see and hear the original routine. Here’s the link if you couldn’t find it: George Carlin Press Club Speech.
Carlin: Eventually, a politician will get into some kind of scandal. At first, he’ll say, “I don’t recall the events, but I’ll look into it.” As more facts come out, the politician says, “I am consulting with the committee to find out the truth of the matter.” More facts come out, and now the politician is really scrambling. The politician then says, “I just want to put all of this behind me and look to the future.”
In the past few days, Governor Newsom has said, “He doesn’t know the whole situation. That is the purview of the authorities in Los Angeles.” More facts came out, and Newsom said, “I’m going to have an investigation with a committee to get the facts of what happened.” More facts came out, and today, Governor Newsom was on a radio show saying, “I don’t want to point fingers at anyone. I just want to put all this behind us and look to the future.”
Politicians don’t change.
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Informants here, informants there, informants everywhere
Writes Gail Appel:
We’re told there were 28 FBI informants. Ergo the media mouthpiece mockingbirds on Fox repeat “ There may have been 28 FBI informants” mantra.
What hasn’t been questioned is additionally, how many CIA, NSA, DHS, Federal Police and foreign spies were there.
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Support for Gaza Genocide Top Reason Biden Voters Did Not Support Harris
Thanks, John Smith.
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Bill Gates Working with U.S. Military tTo Sneak Insects into Food Supply
Thanks, John Frahm.
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Israel Agrees to the Ceasefire It Rejected Months Ago, Thousands More Died
Thanks, John Smith.
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Another Medal on Pete Hegseth’s Chest
Warmongering neocon clown David Brooks writes in the War Street Journal that Hegseth’s hearing in Congress over his nomination as defense secretary “made me sick to my stomach.”
Let’s do the compassionate thing and send Brooks some barf bags and Dramamine at his War Street Journal address.
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The Current State of “Student Athletes”
Deion Sanders, head coach of the University of Colorado football team, says his son Shedeur, the quarterback for the team, and Travis Hunter, this year’s Heisman Trophy winner, never once stepped foot in a University of Colorado classroom during their time there. They did everything online. Both will be top NFL draft choices, maybe even top five, in the spring. This probably saved these two young men from years of incessant left-wing communistic propagandizing and indoctrination that all other University of Colorado students are subjected to.
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Once a Totalitarian, Always a Totalitarian
The totalitarian Demo-Bolshevik party politicians have been grilling Trump’s appointees like Pam Bondi, his attorney general nominee, about whether she will “go after” what they call “Trump’s political opponents.” Her answers should have been “Yes, if they have broken the law.” Which of course they all have with their disgraceful Third World dictator-style of “lawfare.” What they are really saying is that “Since we are Demo-Bolsheviks, we are by definition morally superior to everyone else and should therefore be exempt from all criminal activity if it allows us to remain in power forever. With us, the ends justify the means after all.”
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Esploriamo 6 indicatori on-chain per comprendere meglio i cicli di Bitcoin
Il manoscritto fornisce un grimaldello al lettore, una chiave di lettura semplificata, del mondo finanziario e non che sembra essere andato "fuori controllo" negli ultimi quattro anni in particolare. Questa è una storia di cartelli, a livello sovrastatale e sovranazionale, la cui pianificazione centrale ha raggiunto un punto in cui deve essere riformata radicalmente e questa riforma radicale non può avvenire senza una dose di dolore economico che potrebbe mettere a repentaglio la loro autorità. Da qui la risposta al Grande Default attraverso il Grande Reset. Questa è la storia di un coyote, che quando non riesce a sfamarsi all'esterno ricorre all'autofagocitazione. Lo stesso è accaduto ai membri del G7, dove i sei membri restanti hanno iniziato a fagocitare il settimo: gli Stati Uniti.
(Versione audio della traduzione disponibile qui:
Con Bitcoin che ora fa sembrare normale il territorio a sei cifre e prezzi più alti una inevitabilità, l'analisi dei dati chiave on-chain fornisce preziose informazioni sulla salute di base del mercato. Comprendendo queste metriche, gli investitori possono anticipare meglio i movimenti dei prezzi e prepararsi per potenziali picchi di mercato o persino per eventuali imminenti ritracciamenti.
La metrica del Prezzo terminale, che incorpora i Coin Days Destroyed (CDD) e tiene conto dell'offerta di Bitcoin, è stata un indicatore affidabile per prevedere i picchi dei cicli di mercato. Coin Days Destroyed misura la velocità delle coin trasferite, considerando sia la durata di detenzione che la quantità spostata.
Grafico 1: il Prezzo terminale di Bitcoin ha superato i $185.000
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Attualmente il Prezzo terminale ha superato i $185.000 ed è probabile che salirà verso i $200.000 con l'avanzare del ciclo. Con Bitcoin che ha già superato i $100.000, questo suggerisce che potremmo avere ancora diversi mesi di movimento di prezzo positivo davanti a noi.
Il Multiplo Puell valuta i ricavi giornalieri dei miner (in dollari) in relazione alla sua media mobile a 365 giorni. Dopo l'halving, i miner hanno subito un forte calo dei ricavi, creando un periodo di consolidamento.
Grafico 2: Il Multiplo Puell è salito sopra 1,00
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Ora il Multiplo Puell è risalito sopra 1, segnalando un ritorno alla redditività per i miner. Storicamente il superamento di questa soglia ha indicato le fasi successive di un ciclo rialzista, spesso caratterizzato da rally esponenziali dei prezzi. Un modello simile è stato osservato durante tutte le precedenti corse rialziste.
L'MVRV-Z misura il valore di mercato in relazione al valore realizzato (base di costo medio dei possessori di Bitcoin). Standardizzato per tenere conto della volatilità dell'asset, è stato estremamente accurato nell'identificare picchi e minimi dei cicli.
Grafico 3: l'MVRV-Z è ancora notevolmente al di sotto dei picchi precedenti
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Attualmente l'MVRV-Z di Bitcoin rimane al di sotto della zona rossa surriscaldata con un valore di circa 3,00, a indicare che c'è ancora spazio per salire. Mentre i picchi decrescenti sono stati una tendenza nei cicli recenti, suddetto indicatore suggerisce che il mercato è ben lungi dal raggiungere un picco di euforia.
Questa metrica traccia la variazione percentuale a 28 giorni degli indirizzi di rete attivi insieme alla variazione di prezzo nello stesso periodo. Quando la crescita dei prezzi supera l'attività della rete, suggerisce che il mercato potrebbe essere ipercomprato a breve termine, poiché l'azione positiva dei prezzi potrebbe non essere sostenibile dato l'utilizzo della rete.
Grafico 4: il Sentiment degli indirizzi attivi ha indicato condizioni di surriscaldamento sopra i $100.000
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I dati recenti mostrano un leggero raffreddamento dopo la rapida salita di Bitcoin da $50.000 a $100.000, indicando un sano periodo di consolidamento. Questa pausa sta preparando il terreno per una crescita sostenuta a lungo termine e non indica che dovremmo essere ribassisti nel medio-lungo termine.
Il Rapporto tra output speso e profitto misura i profitti realizzati dalle transazioni Bitcoin. I dati recenti mostrano un aumento delle prese di profitto, il che indica potenzialmente che stiamo entrando nelle ultime fasi del ciclo.
Grafico 5: grandi cluster di rapporto tra output speso e profitto segnalano player che incassano
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Un avvertimento da prendere in considerazione è il crescente utilizzo degli ETF su Bitcoin e prodotti derivati. Gli investitori potrebbero passare dall'autocustodia agli ETF per facilità d'uso e vantaggi fiscali, il che potrebbe influenzare i valori del Rapporto tra output speso e profitto.
Il multiplo Value Days Destroyed (VDD) si espande sui CDD ponderando i detentori più grandi e a lungo termine. Quando questa metrica entra nella zona rossa surriscaldata, spesso segnala importanti picchi di prezzo poiché i player più grandi ed esperti iniziano a incassare.
Grafico 6: il VDD è surriscaldato, ma non troppo
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Mentre gli attuali livelli di VDD di Bitcoin indicano un mercato leggermente surriscaldato, la storia suggerisce che potrebbe mantenere questo intervallo per mesi prima di un picco. Ad esempio, nel 2017 il VDD indicò condizioni di ipercomprato quasi un anno prima del picco del ciclo.
Nel complesso queste metriche suggeriscono che Bitcoin sta entrando nelle ultime fasi del suo mercato rialzista. Mentre alcuni indicatori puntano a un raffreddamento a breve termine, o a una leggera sovraestensione, la maggior parte evidenzia un sostanziale rialzo residuo per tutto il 2025. I livelli di resistenza chiave per questo ciclo potrebbero emergere tra $150.000 e $200.000, con metriche come il Rapporto tra output speso e profitto e il VDD che forniranno segnali più chiari man mano che ci avvicineremo al picco.
[*] traduzione di Francesco Simoncelli:
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Leading journalist calls Zuckerberg’s free speech announcement “an invitation to genocide”
Click Here:
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1961: Aldous Huxley on the power of Technology!
Writes Gail Appel:
Bone chilling
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250 African migrants occupy leftist-run Paris theater for 5 weeks, refuse to leave after free ‘welcome’ event
Writes Gail Appel:
France has only itself to blame. Bringing people from third world nations that haven’t advanced in hundreds of years into one of the world’s most beautiful cities with a rich , unique cultural heritage doesn’t work. They will not and cannot assimilate any more than a Parisian could in Sudan. Nor are Westerners welcome in Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, et al.
Want to change the world for the better? Abolish the UN.
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The REAL ‘life’ of KARL MARX
“Karl Marx spent his entire life avoiding work, sponging off his friends and family, burdening the lives of everyone he came into contact with, all because Marx wanted to overthrow the current regime (a subconscious rebellion against his parents) and install himself in the seat of ultimate power (as a way to avoid work). He didn’t care about the “workers”, his children, his wife, his parents, nor anybody else. All he cared about was himself, and today’s video will show you exactly what happened and why.
“Article mentioned in the video regarding the Industrial Revolution…
“Clarification for 32:04. Some Hermeticists call the Christian God the ‘demiurgos’ (the Artisan), while others call the true immaterial God the ‘demiurgos’… you know, just to confuse us. Well, for the purposes of this video, the name isn’t important. What matters is that, as a Hermeticist, Marx is looking to overcome the ‘material’ God and get to the true ‘immaterial’ God. So if in doubt, just ignore where I said “and they call him the Demiurgos”.
Another superb, first-class analysis by the gentleman many consider one of the most penetrating, in-depth, and scholarly Internet historians.
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For a Libertarian Cancel Culture
On December 1, 2024, Elon Musk decreed: “Cancel culture has been canceled.” Musk had his reasons for saying this. After all the mainstream media, the Deep State, and the Big Tech had tried to cancel Trump in every way, he had just won a landslide victory in the presidential election. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., also a target of massive cancellation for years, helped in this Trump victory and was nominated as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Musk himself was also instrumental in this victory, by buying Twitter/X and giving room to many – but not all – expressions of ideas that were previously canceled on this social network. But the main reason was that Trump’s victory marked a tremendous defeat for Wokism, which had until then been the main motivator of dissident cancellations and is the main declared enemy of Musk – who lost a son to this perverse ideology.
But is Cancel Culture really over? And would this end be something good or bad? For a long time we have seen the entire right wing, from conservatives to libertarians, complaining about the so-called Cancel Culture as an unacceptable attack on freedom. However, in addition to Cancel Culture not being an assault on freedom, it is the only way to achieve and maintain a free society.
The cancellation of a person occurs as follows. When someone is caught in an act or expresses an opinion that is considered intolerable by an organized group, this group starts a campaign to expose that person as someone socially inadequate, putting pressure on their personal relationships and even demanding that their employer fire them. Any person or company that continues to maintain relationships with the canceled party is also threatened with being canceled. If the state does not get involved – as happened in Trump’s cancellation and the censorship of social media – and no coercion is used, cancellation is compatible with libertarian ethics – even if that person loses friends, relationships, job, business, and social media profiles.
The problem is that Cancel Culture was dominated by progressives and was being used against correct and healthy ideas and, in this way, was moving us away from a free and dignified society. For example, until recently, saying that a man does not become a woman by declaring that he is a woman – and vice versa – led to cancellation. The threat of cancellation has led this absurd idea to dominate educational institutions, media conglomerates, the corporate and financial world, advertising agencies, sports federations, Hollywood and governments, with devastating social effects, especially for children who are victims of mutilations and irreversible hormone treatments.
However, not only can we, but we must use Cancel Culture against these wrong and harmful ideas. Anyone who says that a man turns into a woman by declaring himself to be a woman – and vice versa – deserves and should be canceled. He must be boycotted, both professionally and socially. Of course, everyone should be free to say what they want, but at the same time, everyone should also be free to dissociate themselves from people who defend false, degenerate, and pernicious ideas, or simply ideas considered unpleasant.
When analyzing Cancel Culture from the reverse perspective, it is difficult to understand how it gained a bad reputation among the right. It seems like a case of “throw the baby out with the bathwater”, rejecting a good method because of a dirt that is contaminating it. Much aversion was aroused by the successive cancellations of people who were only telling the truth and defending adequate and decent ideas. However, the procedure, limited to the private social boycott, is not only valid, but necessary, especially for libertarians engaged in the culture war. Hans-Hermann Hoppe teaches us that privately owned capitalism and egalitarian multiculturalism cannot be combined and
“… that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social II discrimination” and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multicultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians. In other words, libertarians must be radical and uncompromising conservatives.”
The session in which Hoppe expounds this strategy is considered controversial by many libertarians, especially when he speaks of “physically removed”, but it is an undeserved polemic, the result of misinterpretation, because he was talking about private neighborhoods, the relationship between tenants and landlords with prior covenants between private property owners, and did not advocate any aggression against property rights. On the contrary, he fully defends the right to private property and its corollary right to discriminate. And “if one wants to reach the goal of a private property anarchy (or a pure private law society)” he proposes that “true libertarians must embrace discrimination” by exercising the right to evict whomever they want from their property. ” Without continued and relentless discrimination, a libertarian society would quickly erode and degenerate into welfare state socialism.”
In opposing Cancel Culture, Philipp Bagus et al. deals with academic freedom, and indeed, no idea should ever be canceled in universities or in any teaching environment. By the way, when discussing in the classroom the concept of time preference of homosexuals, Hoppe himself was one of the first canceled by microaggressions – an event that put an end his career as a university professor. However, although we must promote the study and discussion of transgenderism, Nazism, communism, democracy and all kinds of spurious and harmful ideas, we can and should also cancel those who defend these ideas. Actually, it is more important to cancel a teacher who espouses these ideas than, for example, a plumber or doctor, as teachers have the potential to negatively influence hundreds of students per school year. In fact, the more influential a voice is, the more fundamental and urgent its cancellation.
Recently, libertarian institutions that have always opposed Cancel Culture have been criticized for canceling one of their oldest and most prestigious members. But cancellation is not only a valid mechanism, but it is necessary for libertarians to cancel any Zionist who advocates land theft, ethnic cleansing, and the murder of innocents. Hoppe says that sometimes “a small dose of ridicule and contempt may be all that is needed to contain the relativistic and egalitarian threat,” but if one insists on espousing sadistic and genocidal ideas, “in civilized society, the ultimate price … is expulsion, and all-around ill-behaved or rotten characters (even if they commit no criminal offense) will find themselves quickly expelled from everywhere and by everyone and become outcasts, physically removed from civilization. This is a stiff price to pay; hence, the frequency of such behavior is reduced.”
The only problem with non-aggressive Cancel Culture is that it was dominated by progressives. We should only use it for good and cancel anyone and everyone who advocates multiculturalism, egalitarianism, Zionism, “hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism.”
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America and the British Empire
My big-picture outlook is that America with its quasi world empire has been following in the footsteps of the warmongering British Empire. That road is leading to America’s premature downfall. I suppose others have noticed the striking similarity between the two “Anglo-Saxon” great powers in their approach to the outside world.
On the American side, some have pointed to the Great War and Woodrow Wilson as pivotal. I have suggested that the Spanish American war (1898) was the real turning point for the U.S. Why? Because it began the road to empire…Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and briefly Cuba. This makes me an “isolationist” in the mind of small minds.
On the British side, one could say the Boer War (1900) laid the groundwork for England’s road to ruin. Like the Spanish-American war, the Boer War was an unnecessary war of choice and hubris. Washington should have left Spain alone. London should have left the Boers alone in their self-governing South African republics.
I vote for the Great War (1914-18) as the critical turning point for England from which there was no return. Many books have been written to explain which country was most responsible for the outbreak of the Great War after decades of general European peace and prosperity.
Recently, there is Margaret MacMillan’s wonderful The War that Ended Peace (2014). Earlier, there was Professor Sidney Bradshaw Fay’s magisterial The Origins of the World War (1928). My own view is that England was most responsible for the general European conflict and then the world war. See the Unauthorized World Situation Report (2020)…
“It is rather late in the day, granted, but perhaps we can learn something from the track record of the British, especially from their mistakes. In a previous age, the British went everywhere for various reasons, some good some bad, and created along the way the greatest empire the world has ever seen or ever will see.
“The problem is, at the start of the 20th century they lost perspective on what they were doing and why. Again, all roads lead to The Great War. In the summer of 1914, the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, could have halted the slide to war in Europe by simply asking the French to calm down and by suggesting to Tsar Nicholas II that he have a serious talk with his cousin-in-law, The Kaiser, a grandson of Queen Victoria, about the regicide in the Balkans, and for them to work out a deal between Vienna and Serbia.
“Instead, the British Ambassador in Moscow, Sir George Buchanan, was urging Russian mobilization in response to Austria’s moves against Serbia. In those bygone days, mobilization meant war. Without the Czar succumbing to England’s mischief-making in Moscow, there would have been no outbreak of a general European conflagration in August 1914.
“The retreat from war could have been accomplished, but it was not on the agenda because Sir Edward and other short-sighted leaders in Whitehall took the attitude that Germany was a danger to British Empire preeminence in the world.”
Sound familiar? It seems to me that Washington, like Whitehall before it, is constantly on the lookout anything which might eclipse or potentially threatened its world hegemony. This is unashamedly stated in the grandiose, so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine. A sample:
“…The U.S. must show the leadership necessary to establish and protect a new order that holds the promise of convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests.
“In non-defense areas, we must account sufficiently for the interests of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. We must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.”
This full-throated taste of imperialism, along with Israel-promotion without qualification, is the driving force of neo-conservatism. It is simply a form of bullying and lording it over others. That is the essence of U.S. foreign policy.
That’s what England did until it over-extended itself and imploded after the Second World War. Please bear in mind that without the Great War, which Lord Grey could have prevented, there would have been no Second World War. These were two parts of the same war, which I have called British Empire wars. Absolutely unnecessary and a disaster.
America or Washington has the same mindset today against Russia and China. Indeed, it can be argued that America has been looking for a boogeyman of one kind or another ever since the Spanish-American war. This has made us predisposed to becoming employed first by England and now by Israel to take part in their wars for no rational reason of our own. It’s madness.
As for China, Washington’s boogyman of choice, nothing is going to stop it. By that I mean, its economic success. That success, Washington takes for granted as a threat. “…We must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role….” Just like the gentlemen in Whitehall regarded the rise of Germany from the end of the 19th Century onwards. It’s a self-defeating obsession.
Recently, I splurged and bought the new Apple Mac Mini computer. With some customization, it took a few weeks for it to arrive at my front door. Where did the package come from? Directly from China, from a city I could not begin to pronounce. It was not trans-shipped from Apple HQ in Cupertino, California. Apple is a de facto Chinese company. All its products, or nearly all, are made in China. I doubt that the Mac Mini could even be produced in the USA.
You go to the matt with China with tariffs and sanctions, you cripple Apple, the world’s largest corporation. Ditto Amazon and Walmart. And you send inflation soaring. So why are we seriously even considering going down that road? See what Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett have to say about it.
Here’s what I think. I want China on my side. America needs China. I’m not suggesting a modus vivendi, but an outright alliance between the two countries. Actually, why not a tripartite economic pact with China, Japan and the U.S.? This has the added benefit of helping to prevent a territorial conflict in the South China Sea. But only, of course, if Washington get’s off its high-horse with respect to Taiwan, which Washington has officially recognized as part of China decades ago.
In short, let’s stop creating problems for ourselves and others, whether it be in the Far East, the Middle East or Eurasia. Let’s not go the way of the defunct British Empire. Let’s try to return to the ideals of the Founding Fathers.
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Israel Against The World – With U.S. Aid
I once represented a man charged with first-degree murder. At the preliminary hearing, the courtroom was filled with the family and friends of the victim.
When my client was led out of the holding cell, the officer who brought him out leaned over and whispered to me: “Boy, it’s you against the world – you against the world.”
Today it’s Israel against the world, aided and abetted by the U.S. due to mega millions in campaign contributions.
On Nov. 20, the U.S. cast the only “No” vote in the U.N. Security Council against a call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The rest of the world has never been so united as it is now against what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people.
Some American Christians are afraid to criticize Israel because it says in the Bible that those who bless Israel will be blessed.
But it also says in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that God wants us to “seek peace and pursue it.” And one of the strongest of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill.”
My own Christian beliefs lead me to believe that God will punish those who have killed – and are still killing – thousands of little children in Gaza.
Matthew 18 says Jesus called a little child to him and said, “ … whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in my name receives me.”
Israel killed another 28 people in Gaza on New Year’s Day, and Defense Minister Israel Katz announced on Jan. 2 that he was going to increase the number of bombing raids. Then 65 more were killed on Jan. 4.
It really saddens me, and at times angers me, to know that all this killing is being done with American-supplied bombs.
Longtime University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer has been one of the most respected foreign policy experts in this country.
He has also been one of the leading critics of the horribly cruel way that Israel has bombed, killed and starved to death many thousands of women and children in Gaza over the last 15 months.
On December 31, Mearsheimer wrote on Substack about the 179-page report Human Rights Watch issued a few days earlier detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
Also in December, Amnesty International published a 296-page report about Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
A few days before the Amnesty report, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his defense minister for what the court, after a lengthy investigation, said were “crimes against humanity and war crimes.”
These very recent actions followed a finding early last year by the International Court of Justice that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza.
Mearsheimer wrote that he wonders what people “who have supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night. History will not treat them kindly.”
Genocide is defined as “violence that targets individuals because of their membership in a group and aims at the destruction of a people.”
The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted in 1948, established genocide as an international crime. The U.S. was one of the signers to this agreement.
This was done primarily in response to what had happened to the Jews in Europe during World War II. In fact, because of what happened then, you would think that the Jewish people would be the strongest opponents to genocide anyplace.
I think everyone realizes that the United States would be the first to act and would lead the campaign against this genocide if it was being done by any other country than Israel.
Another world-renowned foreign policy expert, Jeffrey Sachs, has also been one of Israel’s strongest critics during this war. (Actually, it is more of a slaughter than a war since it is so one-sided.)
Sachs, a longtime professor at Columbia and a Jew himself, said Netanyahu is “one of the most violent and dangerous people in the world.” He also said, “Netanyahu is leading Israel into the greatest insecurity of its modern history – complete diplomatic isolation.”
This originally appeared on The Knoxville Focus.
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Today’s Government That Represents Hitlerism Is the U.S. Government
Hitler’s beliefs were supremacist: Might makes right, and we are the mightiest; all who resist us are wrong and must therefore be crushed. Of course, Hitler stood for the German version of that. However, in the post-WW2 world, the U.S. Government has carried this banner. The ideology is essentially the same, but representing a different nation.
If Hitler had won, his next war would have followed soon thereafter and he would have easily conquered Japan. That’s not because Hirohito would have been any less of a racist-fascist-imperialist-capitalist supremacist than Hitler was, but because in a might-makes-right world, there will inevitably be wars between empires until only one remains standing. There can be only ONE king-of-the-hill. That’s part of the Might-makes-right principle. FDR rejected this principle and was designing, for the post-WW2 world, a democratic-federal-republic-of-all nations world government, having Executive, Legislative, and Judicial powers with enforcement means and military sufficient to enforce all international laws, to be called the “United Nations,” designed by him so as to outlaw and replace ALL empires, and thus to prevent any WW3; but his immediate successor Truman decided to sideline the U.N. that we have, as being, from him, a mere talking forum, because Truman planned for the U.S. Government itself to become the global dictatorship, ultimately to control all other Governments — to be the ONLY remaining empire — not for all empires to end and become replaced by a democratic federal republic U.N. reigning over democratically created international laws that have been voted into existence by all nations. President Truman took up Hitler’s fallen banner — but for America, not for Germany, to become the ruler of the world. So, instead of FDR’s planned U.N. global democracy of nations, we have Truman’s America’s aspiring global dictatorship of nations: the lone remaining empire, the U.S. regime.
America had emerged from WW2 as the unchallengeable leader of the world, because each of the other two anti-Hitler powers, England and Russia, were indebted to the U.S. for its crucial Lend-Lease aid that supplied the means by which the Soviet Union and UK were able to defeat Hitler. Without that Lend-Lease, Hitler would have won. By the time of the War’s end, UK was enormously weakened by WW2, and the Soviet Union was almost destroyed, from 23,000,000,000 to 27,000,000,000 of its people slaughtered by Hitler’s forces, as compared to fewer than 500,000 in each of the other two Big Three Allies. (China had at least 20 million killed by Hirohito, whom the now racist-fascist-imperialist-capitalist supremacist U.S. — President Truman himself — protected after the War. So, unlike Hitler, who had already killed himself, Hirohito stayed on his throne and wasn’t even prosecuted. The 20+ million Chinese he killed were okay to Truman. General Douglas MacArthur carried out Truman’s instructions and came up with an excuse for Hirohito: that his generals — who had actually been serving the Emperor — “had betrayed the Emperor.” And America’s ‘historians’ take MacArthur’s lie as being instead true.)
Truman thus came into office on 12 April 1945 as being the king-of-the-hill and he liked that, and wanted his country to remain that way and ultimately to conquer especially the Soviet Union, which he actually hated; so, on 25 July 1945, he made the irrevocable decision to start the Cold War against the Soviet Union; and, subsequently, he set up the military-industrial complex, the replacement of the U.S. War Department by the U.S. (permanent) ‘Defense’ Department, and the replacement of FDR’s weak OSS by Truman’s strong CIA, so as to make the U.S. become ultimately the dictator over the entire world. U.S. history after 12 April 1945 (FDR’s death) will have to be largely rewritten from what it now is, propagandistic lies mixed with selective truths so as to be the mythology of a ‘democratic’ and benign nation, into becoming instead the straight truths that explain today’s reality of the American version of Nazism, as it now is.
This is a hyper-military nation, which now spends 65% of the entire world’s military expenses, and which has 900 foreign military bases (in addition to 749 inside the U.S.), and which has had 244 active foreign military operations ever since the U.S.S.R. and its Warsaw Pact mirror to America’s NATO, and its communism, all ended in 1991 (that’s 31 years), and 297 such military operations ever since 1945 (that’s 77 years), whereas during 1798-1945 (147 years), there had been only 155 — which included both domestic and foreign wars in which the USA had participated during all of the 147 years 1798-1945. Compare that 1.05 U.S. wars per year during 1798-1945 to the 7.9 wars per year during 1991-2022. This is an astoundingly different and worse nation than it had been before Truman became its President. Furthermore, since the U.S. is getting such a bad reputation now from its many blatant military regime-change operations (invasions), it has been making increased usages of the other and secret methods — subversions and coups — as well as of illegal (not authorized by international law under the U.N.) sanctions, in order to coerce the nations that it is trying to conquer (its ‘enemies’, regardless of whether or not the targeted nation constitutes any conceivable actual national-security threat to the United States) — and therefore all of this is “aggression” under international law, and prohibited, though never punished, since the U.S. Government is immune to international laws (because Truman made it so).
Similarly, the U.S. Government’s military colony in the Middle East, Israel (which Truman created) is immune when it uses the billions of dollars of military equipment that the U.S. Government has been and is being donating to Israel to exterminate all 2.3 million Gazans — and the U.S. Government isn’t even being charged (like its colony of Israel is) with that crime of “genocide” there.
A 4-minute video of George Galloway and the “Syrian Girl” encapsulates how morally repulsive the U.S. empire actually is. How many ‘history’ books about post-WW2 U.S. history convey any of the reality that Galloway and “Syrian Girl” (the stunningly beautiful Maram Susli) discuss there? (Incidentally, the linked-to topic that she exposed there was also disproven by MIT’s Ted Postol, and NONE of the alleged Assad-chemical-weapons attacks in the U.S. 2011-started Syrian war were done by Assad’s Government.) A 23-minute video of Susli discussing the constant lies by U.S.-empire ‘news’-media about Syria’s Government is here (however, its first 2:50 — its Introduction — is in Arabic; all the rest of it is in English).
So, there is a lot of rewriting of post-1945 U.S. history that needs to be done. Otherwise, the entire academic profession of history will be, to a significant extent, itself a hoax as being at all scientific or truth-based or “history” instead of “lies.” Not ONLY the ‘news’-media in The West are lie-based, but the ‘history’ books likewise are. ONLY in a dictatorship does this happen, because if the public are overwhelmingly fed lies, then they can’t help but VOTE on the basis of lies — they become mental slaves, instead of merely physical slaves, to their slave-masters. This is America’s version of Hitler’s racist-fascist-imperialist-capitalist supremacism. And it is extremely profitable for America’s billionaires, who are heavily invested in the corporations such as Northrup Grumman that manufacture and sell to the Governments of U.S., Israel, etc., all of these extremely costly weapons.
On 8 November 2022, I headlined “U.S. and Allies Vote for Nazism at the UN” and opened:
Annually, each year, since 2005, the U.S. Government has been one of only from 1 to 3 Governments to vote in the U.N. General Assembly against an annual statement by the General Assembly against racism and other forms of bigotry — an annual Resolution condemning it, and expressing a commitment to doing everything possible to reduce bigoted acts. For the first time ever, on November 4th, America was joined not only by one or two voting against it, but 55 nations, and almost all gave as reasons that Russia was for the Resolution and has invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is the only country that has almost always been joining America in opposing such resolutions; and many countries now vote against the resolution because Ukraine always does, and thus vote in solidarity with Ukraine against Russia — condemn the resolution because Russia supports it.
This year’s Resolution particularly offended America and its allies because “Nazism” is mentioned and condemned specifically in it.
No specific nation is ever mentioned in such resolutions.
Even Israel — the nation that had cited Hitler’s genocide against Jews as ‘justifying’ the Zionists’ Nakba against Palestinians — was sometimes among the one or two nations that voted against the Resolution along with the United States.
The names and faces may change, but the ideology remains essentially the same.
Will Donald Trump bring peace like he promised he would? Did he when he was President? Is he a changed man? Is the moon made of green cheese? Who can believe such lies, repeated endlessly? Apparently, many people can.
This originally appeared on Eric’s Substack.
The post Today’s Government That Represents Hitlerism Is the U.S. Government appeared first on LewRockwell.
Climate Jeezus Taketh Away
“So-called progressives finally achieved what they supposedly warned of but in truth wished for: the eviction of the affluent descendants of colonizers, the incineration of their homes, and the destruction of a city that, more than any other, represents our bloody history of white supremacy and conquest.” — Michael Shellenberger
For those in the USA with an interest in collapsing the USA, the Los Angeles fire is the gift that will keep on giving, and George Soros hardly had to cough up a dime to make it happen. From the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion angle, the fire got‘er done, cleansing nearly the entire PacPal population of snooty, rich, white “allies” of the oppressed and marginalized — who will now have LA to themselves. Chez Whitey is “closed for renovations,” and it might be twenty years before it can re-open, if ever.
Probably never, if the California Coastal Commission has anything to say about it. And why wouldn’t they? They do not generally approve of stuff getting built right up on the beach. They were probably all down on their knees Sunday in the Church of Luxury Belief thanking Climate Jeezus for sweeping Malibu and the hills above it clean.
Ronald Reagan’s daughter, Patti Davis, rent her garments in The New York Times Sunday op-ed page, wailing:
“My anger over what we have done to this fragile, exquisite Earth was muffled by grief until the other evening when I was watching a news program that had a panel of commentators. The subject was Los Angeles on fire, and one person mentioned climate change as a cause. Another commentator smirked and said he didn’t believe it was the cause.
I felt rage surge up past my grief.
My first thought was: “You think you know more than scientists?”
Of course, my first thought reading that was: Who is paying those scientists? The same question you might ask of the scientists at the CDC, NIH, FDA, and NIAID who declared that Covid-19 was definitely not created in a Wuhan lab, and the mRNA vaccines were “safe and effective.” My second thought was: could you possibly find a better example of elite Utopian-Woke performative acting-out? My third thought was: since when are “experts” infallible? My fourth thought was: doesn’t science advance on the basis of continuous argument? My fifth thought was: if Patti Davis is watching the news, she must be in some comfortable and probably luxurious place that did not burn down. So much for my thoughts, entertained without the rending of garments.
More to the point of the fire itself, you must wonder what is happening to those tens of thousands of displaced persons and families right now? How many of them are sleeping out on their smoldering properties, or in their cars, or just shivering on a sidewalk somewhere. It does not seem possible that they all found a place to go, certainly not at their neighbors’ houses, who were all burnt-out, too. . . and there are just so many hotel rooms not occupied by “the undocumented.” Anyway, how many families can stay in hotel rooms that go for $1,000-a-night, and for how many nights? How many of them lost absolutely everything, including the possibility of a future?
Which gets you to the realization that we have barely begun to see the knock-on effects of this catastrophe. Those tens of thousands of the burnt-out will not be reporting to work anytime soon. They will have all they can do to find a roof over their heads while they hassle with FEMA officials, State of California bureaucrats, insurance company claims agents, and other “helpers.” The rebuilding quandaries have already been rehearsed in the news. Even if politicians suspended all the building and zoning codes, and the tax issues, where will so many contractors come from in any reasonable time-frame? And where do you put all that melted plastic goop and toxic ash that remains on-the-ground where peoples’ lives used to be?
If you lost a house valued at $5-million, it will cost you at least $10-million to replace it. Good luck, even if you were a mid-level movie star. Of course, if your insurance got cancelled lately — or you just didn’t have any because it cost too much — then there is zero chance you will get to even fantasize about living in the hills above Malibu ever again. And that job you’re not able to go to right now due to the pressing needs of sheer survival on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. . . you might never go to that job again. The business you worked for might not be there anymore, either.
If there was ever a proverbial last-grain-of-sand-in-a-landslide, the Great 2025 Los Angeles Fire must be a sure thing vis-a-vis the US economy, especially the financial side of it. An awful lot of homeowners will not be paying their mortgages on a smoldering empty lot. The banks are not in super-fabulous condition these days. How many loans-gone-bad will it take to wreck already unstable banks? And, by the way, the collateral isn’t even there anymore. The re-po man is out of the picture.
What happens to the insurance companies? And the re-insurance companies who theoretically stand behind the insurers? I’ll tell you what happens: they will be backstopped by the government, which doesn’t have the money to backstop them. . . but will create it out of pixels on screens. . . which means expect a considerable uptick in inflation (i.e., a downtick in the purchasing power of the dollar), which will be a black eye for the new Trump administration. How does all this thunder through the US economy as a whole?
Nobody really knows just yet, but the signs are not reassuring. You can infer countless chains-of-consequence. Friday’s action in the financial markets felt like a tremor of things to come. The Bubble-of All-Bubbles abides. . . for how long?
Reprinted with permission from
The post Climate Jeezus Taketh Away appeared first on LewRockwell.
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