White Trash: The 400 Year History of Class in America
This presentation is particularly important to watch and review before what will happen tomorrow in Washington, DC on Monday with the inauguration of the populist President Donald Trump, champion of the anti-elitist MAGA movement. Trump achieved an unprecedented, presidential mandate with his monumental victories in both the popular and Electoral College voting.
The presentation is a summary statement on how traditionally the elites have viewed the non-elites throughout American history.
The great disparity in America lies between the professional managerial elites in government, academia, media, and business versus the middle/working classes in their fundamental attitudes, values, lifestyle choices and associations, and how they see themselves and the world about them.
Since the beginning of the Progressive Era (1900-1920) the dominant ideology or world view of the professional managerial class of court intellectuals, opinion leaders and editorial directors of the elite mainstream legacy regime media, bureaucratic functionaries and staff of the administrative state, the federal judiciary, members of Congress, and those persons who comprise the top echelon of the military industrial/security complex and the deep state, has been a synthesis of what has been described as corporate liberalism or proponents of the welfare-warfare state.
The Progressive Era saw the birth of the cult of efficiency, with the new administrative state’s apolitical credentialed experts gingerly guiding public-policy instead of the archaic rule of political bosses and their ethnic urban political machines. Or, at least that was what was supposed to happen according to Progressives such as Herbert Croly, Walter Lippmann, Robert LaFollette, Jane Addams, Richard Ely, Lincoln Steffens, Theodore Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson.
Their Progressive progeny such as Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton still employ demeaning, mean-spirited vituperative terminology in this class war against their non-elite opponents – “garbage,” “deplorables,” or as Obama summarized it:
You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
The insightful attorney and political analyst Robert Barnes in a celebrated “daily brief” at VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com brilliantly encapsulated this reality of elite rule in America.
“Charles Murray’s Coming Apart was like a sequel to the brilliant book The Big Sort. Lived experience now varies as widely and wildly as ever: working class Americans see, feel, and remember a very different narrative of life than the professional-managerial upper middle class who govern us. Who is this class? Those with certifications or licensures, college or more degrees, in a job that manages others. They dominate those with a post-college degree especially. They claim the right to govern others due to those degrees and certifications and licenses, as the credentialed class claims credibility from those credentials.
“Consider what is typical or atypical of this professional managerial class. Most spent their lives amongst other upper middle-class professionals. Quite literally. Their neighborhoods were professional class dominated neighborhoods. No risk of a Mr. Rogers’ or Mr. Robinson’s neighbor. Their schools were professional class dominated institutions. Their churches or organizations are professional class dominated. Their cultural outings are usually professional class dominated. Their parents and siblings and cousins were professional class dominant. They often never lived in a small town. They often never employed in a working-class occupation involving physical labor. They often never served in the grunt units of the military. They know few firemen, cops, or frontline workers. They never experienced poverty or dramatic loss of status. They don’t own guns, smoke or dip tobacco, or even ever walked on a factory floor or construction site. Evangelicals are freaks to them. Swamp people means neither DC nor the excellent reality series; it’s those folks who live in the scary backwoods.
“They see their status as deserved, as they define deserts by professional class standards: approval from teachers in school, and approval from authority figures in life, measured by grades, degrees, credentials, licenses, and public acclaim from approved authority figures. Their over-achieving, teacher-pet mindset surrounded themselves often with like-minded individuals, often not even knowing the kids for whom school was not a match.
“Now, add to that surrounding themselves with other professional class sources of information: medical “experts” approved by the state, judges in courts of law, professional politicians in representative government, professionalized credentialed journalists in big institutional media, and teachers of themselves and their children. Of the professional class, by the professional class, for the professional class. Then add to that censorship of dissident opinions, deplatforming dissidents, taking away their licenses, removing their credentials, defaming their reputation, and picking friends by political alliance and allegiance.
“Middle America ain’t like these folks. For many in the professional class, all of the following is absent: Pickup trucks, cheap beer, old school action films, proud patriotism, all kinds of fishing and hunting, chain restaurants, the local Kiwanis or Awanas more than art galleries and lefty parades, riding the dog, dream vacations to Dollyworld or Branson still await, folks smoke (and not just weed), work that might require a uniform, friends and family in protective services at the grunt level of police, fire, medical, or military.
“In other words, we are governed by an insular elite acculturated and educated to intellectually incestuous intersectionalism at the moral and practical effect of disastrous public policy. Any platform of change must do all it can to reallocate political capital from the professional managerial class to the people as broadly as achievable. Populism provides part of that answer to any problem: reallocate power to the people whenever and wherever you can.”
For over a quarter of a century I taught in what was once an affluent suburban high school. In May 2020 I retired from this position. Because of major demographic changes in student clientele the institution has transformed into a inner city school. This transformation has also resulted in substantial changes in attitudes and perceptions of the students.
Most students today have very little knowledge or interest to historical events that happened before they were born. Their willfully ignorant attitudes on contemporary events are emotional responses, not ones based on real world historical knowledge. Sloganeering for free health care, free college, halting climate change and saving the planet, just sound “fair’ and “equitable.” Fairness and equality are the primary values they see stressed in the greater culture and media. Someone who does not share these mandated “politically correct” values is unfair, mean, and a “racist.” They have virtually no knowledge of how over time Americans attitudes towards social and political equality have dramatically changed. All they know is that in the past everyone supported slavery and racism. They can’t tell either chronologically or by other ways of historical evidence when this occurred or why and how it changed. To them 1865 (when the Civil War ended) and 1965 (when the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts had become law) are not separate but blend into one amorphous thing called ancient history, of which they have no interest, and do not see how these past events affect their lives today. They are trapped in the perpetual present, not caring about the past or future.
It is five decades since Edward Banfield’s highly controversial The Unheavenly City was published, and the sequel, The Unheavenly City Revisited, four years later.
I have been championing this volume for over 50 years since first encountering it. Murray Rothbard loved this book and devoted a substantial portion of his For a New Liberty, to a detailed examination of it.
Banfield had many brilliant observations on race, crime, and other hot topics in his book.
However it was his innovative redefinition of the concept of social class that is most memorable, and which has drawn the most controversy.
Banfield carefully defined class membership, not in terms of income status, such as government statistical poverty levels, but in terms of orientation toward the future, or time preference.
The more pronounced one’s “future orientation” was, the higher one’s social class.
Multicultural critics of this idea now claim it is “cultural racism” to value or promote “future time orientation.”
Known to economists and other social scientists as “low time-preference,” this is what is called setting goals or encouraging purposeful “middle class values” such as punctuality, thrift, foresight, deferred self-gratification of needs or wants, and self-discipline as opposed to “underclass values” or “high time preference” behaviors such as improvidence, hedonism, purposelessness, immediate self-gratification of needs or wants, and capricious spontaneity or irresponsibility.
The Unheavenly City continues to define the real class struggle in America.
In an extremely perceptive essay, Riots—Not Fun or Profit for the Rest of Us, Lew Rockwell draws upon and cites this seminal work and cogently relates it to the current series of destructive riots sweeping across America in its major metropolitan urban areas and densely concentrated cities.
Here is the actual text from Banfield’s book which still remains the most precise explanation for the riots, crime and turmoil America is undergoing in its major cities today.
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Roll up your sleeves for a $590 million parting clot shot from Biden!
Writes Gail Appel:
Where the hell are is our “ vaunted” electorate? Oh yeah! Scheming to keep RFK Jr, Jay Battacharaya ,Marty Makary and Kash Patel from being confirmed.
See here.
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Do Letters Prove Mossad Assassinated JFK?
Writes Ginny Garner:
Do angry letters between JFK and Israel founder Ben Gurion prove the Mossad killed the former US president? Link:
Rumble summary:
Martin Sandler, editor of “The Letters of John F. Kennedy,” discusses the possibility that Israel’s Mossad was behind the assassination of JFK. Sandler was speaking at the John F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis, Massachusetts on November 6, 2013. His talk was broadcast on the program “Book TV”: https://www.c-span.org/video/?316163-1/the-letters-john-f-kennedy – The clip about the Mossad is at https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4547313/user-clip-jfk-gurion-mossad-dimona
Sandler is an award-winning author of numerous popular books and textbooks on American history. He taught at the University of Massachusetts and Smith College. https://biography.jrank.org/pages/1629/Sandler-Martin-W.html
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Max Blumenthal Confronts Blinken About Holocaust in Gaza at Press Conference
Writes Ginny Garner:
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The Real Reason They Are Banning TikTok that No One is Allowed to Talk About
Thanks, Saleh Abdullah.
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The Evidence Is Clear: It’s Time to Permanently Ban the COVID-19 mRNA Injections
Click Here:
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Markwayne Mullin Responds To Tim Kaine Grilling Pete Hegseth About Past Marital Cheating
Thanks, David Krall.
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US Treasury to take ‘extraordinary measures’ after Trump inauguration
Thanks, John Frahm.
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Israel Against The World – With US Aid
I once represented a man charged with first-degree murder. At the preliminary hearing, the courtroom was filled with the family and friends of the victim.
When my client was led out of the holding cell, the officer who brought him out leaned over and whispered to me: “Boy, it’s you against the world – you against the world.”
Today it’s Israel against the world, aided and abetted by the US due to mega millions in campaign contributions.
On Nov. 20, the US cast the only “No” vote in the U.N. Security Council against a call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The rest of the world has never been so united as it is now against what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people.
Some American Christians are afraid to criticize Israel because it says in the Bible that those who bless Israel will be blessed.
But it also says in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that God wants us to “seek peace and pursue it.” And one of the strongest of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill.”
My own Christian beliefs lead me to believe that God will punish those who have killed – and are still killing – thousands of little children in Gaza.
Matthew 18 says Jesus called a little child to him and said, “ … whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in my name receives me.”
Israel killed another 28 people in Gaza on New Year’s Day, and Defense Minister Israel Katz announced on Jan. 2 that he was going to increase the number of bombing raids. Then 65 more were killed on Jan. 4.
It really saddens me, and at times angers me, to know that all this killing is being done with American-supplied bombs
Longtime University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer has been one of the most respected foreign policy experts in this country.
He has also been one of the leading critics of the horribly cruel way that Israel has bombed, killed and starved to death many thousands of women and children in Gaza over the last 15 months.
On December 31, Mearsheimer wrote on Substack about the 179-page report Human Rights Watch issued a few days earlier detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
Also in December, Amnesty International published a 296-page report about Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
A few days before the Amnesty report, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his defense minister for what the court, after a lengthy investigation, said were “crimes against humanity and war crimes.”
These very recent actions followed a finding early last year by the International Court of Justice that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza.
Mearsheimer wrote that he wonders what people “who have supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night. History will not treat them kindly.”
Genocide is defined as “violence that targets individuals because of their membership in a group and aims at the destruction of a people.”
The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted in 1948, established genocide as an international crime. The US was one of the signers to this agreement.
This was done primarily in response to what had happened to the Jews in Europe during World War II. In fact, because of what happened then, you would think that the Jewish people would be the strongest opponents to genocide anyplace.
I think everyone realizes that the United States would be the first to act and would lead the campaign against this genocide if it was being done by any other country than Israel.
Another world-renowned foreign policy expert, Jeffrey Sachs, has also been one of Israel’s strongest critics during this war. (Actually, it is more of a slaughter than a war since it is so one-sided.)
Sachs, a longtime professor at Columbia and a Jew himself, said Netanyahu is “one of the most violent and dangerous people in the world.” He also said, “Netanyahu is leading Israel into the greatest insecurity of its modern history – complete diplomatic isolation.”
This originally appeared on the Knoxville Focus.
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Joe Biden: An Assessment
You’re aware, I’m sure, that a lot of people thought “Joe Biden” was being play-acted in the White House over his four years there by a series of look-alike actors. You saw those news items comparing “JB’s” earlobes to the old gaffer who showed up at the podium on a given day. Hmmmmmm. . . . I was not persuaded by any of that. “Joe Biden” has simply been impersonating himself — play-acting the role of “president.” The mystery is how he got there.
You can expect very shortly, probably only a matter of weeks, to see a raft of news stories, soon-to-be big-money books, revealing the utter sustained chaos that churned behind the pathetic, half-animate figure pretending to be “chief executive” of the US government lo these dismal four years past. You will learn who was pulling his strings day-to-day since 1/20/21, probably a gang of 25-year-old, ambitious, Cluster-B staffers too disorganized to even amount to a cabal — but sufficiently united in their mission to destroy the country by any means necessary.
Whose idea was it, anyway, back in the spring of 2020, to retrieve this broken hack from the dumpster of discarded Democratic Party primary candidates and jam him into the role of nominee for president? You’d suspect Barack Obama, of course, since the former president had set-up a war-room across town from the White House during the Trump interregnum, and had openly bragged that he’d love nothing better than to someday kick back in a warm-up suit and phone-in governing orders to a stand-in dummy occupying the oval office.
Except Mr. Obama famously disdained his former veep. The few duties “Joe Biden” had in that role (under poor supervision apparently), he converted into a money-laundering and grift operation — most notoriously his adventures in pre-war Ukraine, where First Son Hunter played bag-man from his seat on the Burisma gas company board. That racket evolved quickly and neatly so that at just about every airport around the world that Air Force Two landed, Hunter and “Joe” were clocking-in fat bribes, supposedly for “influence.” That was the joke, of course, because “Joe Biden” had no influence with his President Obama, who regarded him as an idiot, a bumbling Inspector Clouseau, of whom he famously said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
Yet, somehow, the old crook got maneuvered into “winning” the 2020 Super Tuesday multi-primary — abracadabra! Ballot magic! — while some little birdie flew around and persuaded Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar and the rest to drop out. Meanwhile, the Deep State blob had delivered the gift of Covid-19, whatever it was, a lab creation, a seasonal flu, or just a mass of PCR-test fake positives, and Mr. Trump was snookered into lockdowns by the same public health blobsters who engineered the “pandemic” crisis: Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins, Alex Azar, et al., with Bill Gates, Ralph Baric, and Klaus Schwab lurking somewhere in the background.
You can’t overstate the fervency of the Democratic Party in 2020 to eject Mr. Trump from office, considering the threat he represented to all of DC’s business-as-usual — especially after he escaped the perfidious impeachment trap engineered by legal assassins Mary McCord and Norm Eisen. Ergo, The USA slid haplessly into an ethos of grotesque institutional lying and election fraud because, you see, something else had evolved ominously backstage since 2016: the criminal activities of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Pentagon (major blob tentacles) in the drawn-out RussiaGate scam. Many people needed to shield themselves from potential prosecution.
“Joe Biden” hit the campaign trail like he was Rutherford B. Hayes, back in the day when candidates for president barely strayed beyond the front porch of their home. To say he hid in his basement was only a slight exaggeration. The few public events his handlers dragged him into attracted the public in embarrassing double-digits. He was already widely suspected of being in clinical dementia. Despite the blob’s best efforts, the content of Hunter’s laptop was already leaking onto the Interwebs, photos of Hunter naked with whores, guns, and drugs, deal memos between shadowy foreigners and Hunter’s Rosemont-Seneca money laundromat. But, of course, the news media buried all that and social media censored it.
And so, more election magic! The blob’s “Big Lie” trope — employed to this day even in the latest cabinet confirmation hearings — was itself the biggest lie, a complete inversion of the truth, which is that the 2020 election was a total and comprehensive fraud. It was an orgy of crime carried out across many states. Those of us who stayed up late the night of November 3-4, 2020, watched the numbers slip-and-slide from one column to the other right in our faces, saw the videos of fake ballots in Fulton County, GA, the shenanigans in Philadelphia, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Mark Zuckerberg had laid nearly half a billion dollars on swing states to switch-out election officials with Democratic Party activists and to fund ballot “harvesting” ops. Yes, you can state with certainty that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen for “Joe Biden.”
The four years of “Joe Biden’s” term-in-office that followed have induced the most severe disordering of the collective American mind in our history, lost in a fog of perfidious mendacity unmatched in scope by the Civil War, or any other national crisis. “Joe Biden’s” government went to war against the people of this land, at the same time it sold-out our vital national interests to the CCP, the WEF, the WHO, and other parties seeking our nation’s destruction. For years, we have been forced to swallow absurdities such as unsafe and ineffective vaccines, drag queens in the grade schools, borders wide-open to saboteurs (declared to be “secure”), and a stupid war against Russia that has destroyed the sad-sack nation of Ukraine.
“Joe Biden” has been a disaster and an embarrassment, easily the most damaging character to ever creep onto the US political scene. His one talent was for fakery. Even with sclerosis eating through his brain, he was able to go through the motions of faking it, reading his script off the teleprompter — though he was no longer up to casual questions in a news conference setting. The slime trail of crimes he leaves behind would be easy to follow by law enforcement officials actually interested in crime. He’s likely to pardon himself at the last moment, and pardon a long roster of federal officials who have committed crimes with and behind him. One way or another, they are going to be found out, even if many manage to evade prosecution. But at least we are going to learn a lot more about who was pulling “Joe’s” strings, and exactly what they did, and how — including the trick of making the news media hostage to their crimes.
So, adios, “Joe Biden,” you miserable, treasonous bastard. History will record you as the one president so far who was consciously a villain outright, in true self-knowledge of his own wickedness. You left your country a wreck in every dimension: in national security, national bankruptcy, national pride, and national confidence. Go back to Delaware and sit in the dim light of your room with the curtains drawn so you won’t have to hear about the gruesome discoveries to come of what you left behind. And when the day arrives for your funeral, be advised that it will not be much better than your campaign stop in Darby, PA, in June 2020, when you maundered pointlessly to a nearly empty room. . . before going out for ice cream with your secret service detail.
Reprinted with permission from JamesHowardKunstler.com.
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Biden’s Sordid Legacy: Ravaged Rights and Liberties
Joe Biden’s presidency ends on January 20, 2025. There will likely be a media stampede to hallow his reign and trumpet his virtues. But Biden perpetually trampled his January 20, 2021, oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
In his 2022 State of the Union address, Biden declared, “When dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they keep moving.” And he kept moving until his own political party dumped him. Later in 2022, President Biden proclaimed that “liberty is under assault.” But he was referring solely to a few court rulings of which he disapproved, not to the federal supremacy he championed for almost 50 years in the Senate and the White House.
Biden’s self-puffery and hypocrisy
The absurdity of the Biden reign was epitomized in July when he was browbeaten into ending his reelection campaign. In Biden’s 11-minute speech announcing that decision, everything was sacred — including the Oval Office (“this sacred space”), “the sacred cause of this country,” “the “sacred task of perfecting our Union,” and the “sacred idea” of America. Biden announced that “I revere this office” — a hint that viewers should revere him, too. Biden has worshiped political power his entire life — and so it was no surprise that religiosity suffused his valedictory address.
Biden asked: “Does character in public life still matter?” That signaled that most of the coverups of his abuses and potential kickbacks will continue at least until January. No wonder Hunter Biden had a big smile as he sat just outside of the video sweep in the Oval Office. But Biden never permitted his Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to release the audiotape of Biden’s bumbling interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur — perhaps the single biggest step toward Biden’s expulsion from American political life.
Biden told viewers of that July spiel: “Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy.” So Democratic Party bosses had no choice but to nullify 15 million primary ballots cast for Biden and jam a replacement candidate down the nation’s throat. For years, the Democratic Party has equated vanquishing or destroying Trump with saving democracy, justifying any tactic — fair or foul — to thwart Trump. Ginning up bogus criminal charges to get Trump locked away from voters? Check. Using the FBI and other federal agencies to target anyone who is too enthusiastic about MAGA? Check.
Perhaps Biden’s biggest innovation was his doctrine that preserving democracy requires destroying freedom of speech. His appointees launched the Disinformation Governance Board to police Americans’ criticisms of government and plenty of other topics. The Orwellian name helped torpedo that board, but that was not even the tip of the iceberg of federal abuses. A federal appeals court slammed the Biden administration for conducting an unconstitutional censorship “pressure campaign designed to coerce social-media companies into suppressing speakers, viewpoints, and content disfavored by the government.” That same court found that censors especially targeted speech by conservatives and Republicans.
For at least 15 years, Biden has relied on a two-step routine — ruthlessly vilifying his opponents and then appealing to “our better angels,” a phrase recycled from Lincoln’s first inaugural address. Biden lulled listeners into assuming he is personally one of those “better angels” as he flailed anyone in the way of his latest power grab. From portraying any Republican who wanted to cut domestic spending as a “terrorist” in 2011, to claiming that Mitt Romney wanted to put black people back “in chains” in the 2012 presidential campaign, to endlessly misrepresenting the 2017 violence at a Charlottesville protest, Biden out-Nixoned Nixon. The media has sainted Biden on civil rights despite his championing crime legislation in the Senate that vastly increased the number of black and Hispanic citizens sent to prison. In a 2019 piece headlined “Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration,” the New York Times hyped Biden’s favorite fix: “Lock the S.O.B.s up!”
In his final full month before being demoted to lame-duck status, Biden made one last lunge to portray himself as a savior of the Constitution. After a Supreme Court decision blocked rigged political prosecutions of former President Trump, an outraged Biden condemned the decision. Seemingly speaking down from Mount Olympus, Biden declared that presidents “face moments where you need the wisdom to respect the limits of the power of the office of the presidency.” But then he claimed, “I know I will respect the limits of the presidential power, as I have for 3½ years.” That line obliterated all the president’s lofty pretenses.
While Biden piously invoked the “rule of law” in that brief statement, he consistently behaved as if his good intentions entitled him to dictatorial power. Biden speedily followed up by proposing a “No One Is Above the Law” constitutional amendment. But Biden would have been more honest if he labeled his pitch the “No One Is Above the Law Except Me” amendment.
In the same week that Biden trumpeted his proposed amendment, he announced new schemes to avoid complying with the Supreme Court ruling forbidding him from illegally and unilaterally forgiving hundreds of billions of dollars of federal student debt owed by 30 million people. Biden then openly bragged that the decision striking down his program “didn’t stop me” from canceling student-loan debt with one new scheme after another. No wonder almost half of student-loan debtors are not bothering to pay what they owe Uncle Sam.
A long train of abuses and usurpations
The Biden administration presumed that federal policymakers are an elite automatically entitled to domineer other Americans. For example, Biden championed COVID vaccines as panaceas for the pandemic, promising that people who got injections would not get COVID. After vaccines massively failed to prevent COVID infections, the White House strong-armed the Food and Drug Administration to speedily bestow full approval on the Pfizer vax regardless of myocarditis problems. Biden then dictated that 100 million American adults must get those vaccines. In January 2022, the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccine mandate for 84 million employees of large private companies. The Supreme Court also struck down Biden’s illegal extension of a COVID-era eviction moratorium, scoffing at the administration’s attempt to justify the edict via an old law dealing with “fumigation and pest extermination.” But the president’s team perpetuated the COVID emergency and all the additional powers for the White House as long as possible. Team Biden even dictated that two-year-old children in Head Start must wear masks all day. But that wasn’t dictatorial because children were permitted to briefly remove the masks when they ate meals.
Americans have long groused about TSA agents browbeating them to “show your papers” prior to groin-grabbing “enhanced pat-downs.” The Biden administration solved the paperwork problem by permitting illegal aliens to board domestic flights merely by showing their arrest warrants from the Department of Homeland Security. Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) growled: “If an Idahoan gets a speeding ticket, they can’t use the ticket to board a plane, so why does the president seem to think an illegal immigrant’s arrest warrant is a valid form of identification to board a plane?” TSA wizards recently launched a social media campaign to ridicule their victims, demeaning any American who does not approach a TSA checkpoint practically stripped down like a convict entering a prison shower. The failures of TSA’s Whole Body Scanners are legendary, but that didn’t deter Biden TSA policymakers from launching a vast facial-recognition system that even the Washington Post condemned.
Biden weaponized federal law at the same time he exempted himself and his appointees from the statute book. FBI agents conducted a heavily televised raid in August 2022 on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida, seizing 33 boxes of evidence and documents. Five months later, the Justice Department announced that Biden may have also wrongfully stored or possessed numerous classified documents in his home and offices. Trump was swiftly indicted for his alleged offenses, while Biden was effectively absolved because jurors would likely see him as an elderly man with a bad memory. Although Biden was unfit to prosecute, he remained fit to possess almost boundless power over America and much of the world — at least until Democratic Party poohbahs and billionaire donors carried out a de facto coup ending his reelection campaign.
Biden is seeking to portray himself as the patron saint of the Rule of Law. The president spoke in June 2024 as if he worshipped legal procedures, but his devotion is selective.
Biden has stretched executive power far beyond reason — from his attempt to use the school-lunch program to force public schools to permit mixed-gender showers and bathrooms to his perversion of Title IX to risk crippling girls’ sports. To complement those power grabs, the Biden White House continually expanded the target list for federal investigations and surveillance — including angry parents at school-board meetings and frustrated young guys supposedly prone to “involuntary celibate violent extremism.”
The FBI has illegally wiretapped more than 3 million Americans in recent years, but the Biden administration recently torpedoed congressional efforts to curb that surveillance crime spree. The FBI has 80 agents on a task force to curb “subversive data utilized to drive a wedge between the populace and the government.” Multiple FBI offices across the nation may have secretly infiltrated church services to “identify the bad Catholics” (those who prefer traditional church services), according to FBI memos and whistleblowers. An FBI analysis justifying targeting Catholics portrayed rosaries as extremist symbols that helped justify federal targeting. The FBI aided Team Biden in portraying “white supremacy” as the nation’s greatest terror threat by arresting legions of people who were guilty of “parading without a permit” during the January 6 protest at the Capitol. The FBI classified all 1,000 people arrested on charges linked to January 6 as domestic terrorists — including peaceful grandmothers. No wonder that people joke that FBI now stands for “Following Biden’s Instructions.”
Biden’s horrible legacy
In a spiel last summer before Democratic Party leaders labeled him mentally unfit, Biden invoked “the character of George Washington,” which he said “defined the presidency” with his belief that “power was limited, not absolute.” Biden claimed that “character” was the only restraint on White House power — suggesting that Americans were luckier than ever to have him in the Oval Office. Biden pirouetting as a constitutional vestal virgin is on par with Henry Kissinger winning the Nobel Peace Prize after ravaging Southeast Asia — an award that spurred Tom Lehrer to proclaim that satire was dead.
Biden did not permit his victory laps to interfere with his ongoing coverups designed to assure that Americans remained ignorant of Biden administration scandals till after Election Day. Americans did not learn the hard facts (despite a congressional investigation) about allegations on Tim Walz’s connections to the Chinese Communist Party, or the full details on the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump, or the White House string-pulling for the federal censors muzzling countless Americans to safeguard the Biden administration’s reputation. And the Biden White House continued deluging Americans with phony claims of progress in Ukraine’s war against Russia while refusing to disclose almost any details on exactly how the U.S. was intervening and risking World War Three.
Rather than pound the White House for belated disclosures that could change the outcome of the election, much of the media simply continued reciting “Orange Man Bad.” If the Wizard of Oz was a contemporary political campaign story, the media would overwhelmingly side with the guy behind the curtain. Nowadays, withholding evidence is the only proof of innocence required in Washington.
At a 2023 Juneteenth celebration, Biden proclaimed that he would need a second term to “literally redeem the soul of America.” Biden missed that train. He also missed the chance to satisfy his gender-fluid supporters by publicly coming out and personally identifying as “nondictator.”
Biden helped turn Washington into an Impunity Democracy in which government officials pay no price for their crimes. Thanks in part to Biden’s efforts stretching back to the Nixon era, Americans today are more likely to believe in witches, ghosts, and astrology than to trust the federal government. But Biden’s apologists will seek to redeem his name in the history books by defining down dictator. Instead of designating a ruler who tramples the law and Constitution, “dictatorship” will only refer to presidents who publicly proclaim their plans to do bad things to good people.
This article was originally published in the January 2025 issue of Future of Freedom.
The post Biden’s Sordid Legacy: Ravaged Rights and Liberties appeared first on LewRockwell.
Please Do Not Eat on Inauguration Day
I have done New Age type fasting cuz some New Age type gooroo said to. It was interesting.
I have done trendy health regime intermittent fasting cuz some trendy health regime type gooroo said to. It was useful.
So it is not like I am a stranger to fasting.
But then one day, I tried to fast AND pray because the Bible says to, or at least seems to say to.
Boy oh boy.
Did that blow all the rest out of the water.
And in time I came to incorporate periods of fasting and prayer as a part of my life.
I don’t know how it works, but it works. My understanding of God grew deeper. My faith grew deeper. My desire for the things of God grew deeper. My relationship with food has been reset repeatedly. And it became a lifestyle change for me — fasting and prayer became a part of how I lived, so much so that I would long for it and the clarity it brought when I was not doing it.
This is one of many things in my life that changed with the lockdowns, the lockdowns for me that ordered every church in the state of California closed down.
I’m sure you too have a long list of things that changed. Some of them might even have been changes for the better.
So, fast forward about four years and here I am writing about fasting and prayer. I have dug into what the Bible has to say about it. I have dug into what prominent theologians have said about it. I have dug into what US Presidents of the past have said about it. Did you know that at least four US Presidents have asked for Americans to have a national day of fasting and prayer for the purpose of humbling themselves and our nation before the Lord?
Well, before I knew it, I was writing a book on the topic. The book just came out of me. I started with those presidential proclamations on why America needs to fast and pray. Reading those is pretty neat. In some desperate moments, some prominent leaders very publicly turned to God, and asked their fellow Americans to do the same. Then I moved onto biblical proclamations of the same. There are a bunch of examples of that.
Until the new president is inaugurated, this book will be available free to all who want it. Tap here to get it.
And yes, once you have had a look at it, if you think it is a fit for others, I invite you to share this book freely. Share the link, share the actual file, share whatever you want. Thanks to thinkers like Lew Rockwell and Gary North and others hosted at the Mises Institute, I gave up my appreciation for the term “intellectual property” a long time ago. I am a bestselling writer who thinks copyright is not a legitimate right at all. So, yes, “steal” my work. “Steal” it freely. “Steal” it with a good conscience.
But let me give you some highlights.
In the Bible, 2 Chronicles 7:14 describes the usefulness of fasting and prayer when a people have gone astray. King Solomon in a dream is told this in a dream, at the height of Israel’s relationship with God. The temple has just been built, everyone is on their best behavior. Things are warm and snugly between them and God. At that moment God, sort of like a wet blanket, harshes the vibe a little and says it won’t always be this way Solomon. Let me tell you how to fix things when a nation goes astray: call out to me, humble yourselves, and turn from your wicked ways.
My experience to date has been that there is no better way to humble oneself than to fast and pray.
Another important detail is this. Trump should call for a National Day of Fasting and Prayer. It should not be done as a presidential proclamation though. It should be done from one of his social media accounts. The reason for this is several — my lack of appreciation for the state as an institution being one of them, but also bigger things. Central to that is the distinction between the concept of “nation” and the concept of “country.”
This is a concept that has been blurred and ultimately forgotten over the years in the United States, since we tend to regard the leader of our nation and the leader of our country as the same. Nation is a group of people. Country is a place with political boundaries. The two words mean vastly different things. While Americans may not intuitively know the distinction, the Lemkos of Eastern Europe and the Kurds of Western Asia understand the distinction well. They are two (out of many) nations of people who do not neatly fall within the political boundaries of a country the way Americans have been taught to neatly understand the concept.
As such, both groups tend to be filled with individuals who can think outside the box of nation = state = country = government = flag = I am an obedient serf who does whatever he is told. Unfortunately, many people are stuck in that box.
Sometime in the autumn of 2024, Donald Trump became the leader of the nation. It was hard to dispute. Something had changed. Even Joe Biden was making these slips that pointed to him seeing Trump as the legitimate authority in the nation. This was done despite the fact that Biden was sitting in the seat of power over the country. One was leader of the nation, the other was leader of the country. That’s dangerous territory for America to be in because it leads to too much out of the box thinking.
With multi trillions of dollars of resources at his disposal to handle a hurricane, Biden was outflanked by the comparatively impoverished Trump and a handful of business owners. All media was forced to cover it. It was a testament to the value of government letting the people handle problems. It was an example of how little we actually need the state as we know it in every part of our lives. It was a moment in American history in which the widely regarded leader of the American nation, was not the leader of the country, was not the head of the government.
Whatever you think of Trump, that moment took place. And it further delegitimized both the concept of government and the role of Joe Biden.
America needs to fast and pray. America doesn’t need a public proclamation of that. America would be well served however if the present-day leader of the nation would just tweet that out, and if he himself would do the same — to forego MacDonald’s for a day and to spend a good part of that day on his knees crying out to God.
And there is no day for that like Inauguration Day, the day of partying in DC, the day that many deals for the next four years are made, as another party comes along and squanders the birthright of this generation and the next generation. How good of a day that would be for a National Day of Fasting and Prayer — that Inauguration Day not be a partisan victory party, but a recognition that our nation is bigger than parties, a recognition that it is bigger even than governments. Inauguration Day can be a solemn day of respect for that reality, a real call to unity that does not involve the partisan victory party.
But it can be more. It can be a day to honor the Almighty. It can be a day to ask for a healing of the land. It can be a day to humble ourselves. Does that involve every American? It can.
Inauguration Day, the way it is usually done, certainly does not involve all Americans. It is just a partisan party. And in our current era — with its immense federal budgets and divisive politics — that is likely to be even more the case.
At the same time, with an exciting bi-partisan team, and an electoral mandate, Donald Trump has the potential to have the most impactful next four years that America has ever seen. Will he squander it? Will he squander it by perhaps losing much of his gains to the deep state and their wiles as he did in the first term? Time will tell.
I know this, though. If he dedicates it to the Lord at the beginning. If he humbles himself before the Lord, if he turns from his wicked ways (whatever those may be), the Lord will heal this land.
I believe there is no more impactful way to start those next four years than by our national leader fasting and praying and by calling us to spend a day doing the same.
If Trump wants to do everything to make these four years a success, he will ask Americans individually in their lives and in their homes and in their communities to fast and pray and humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways.
I am not the leader of the nation. I do not have the pull the leader of a nation does. But I ask you on Inauguration Day 2025, Monday, January 20, 2025, that you abstain from food, that you get on your knees, and that you spend some time with God telling Him where you know you’ve gone wrong, asking Him to turn your heart even more obediently toward Him, and asking Him to heal this land.
And if you know anyone else who might be willing to do that, please share this piece that you are reading. If you want more from me on the topic, tap here. That’s the book, free to you until noon on Inauguration Day, or at least until a new President is put in office.
But, most of all, I ask you to fast and pray alongside me on Inauguration Day.
The post Please Do Not Eat on Inauguration Day appeared first on LewRockwell.
How the World Would Change Without Fuels
Are you the kind of prepper that suspects that diesel and gasoline will become unavailable soon after a major social collapse occurs?
If so, then you have to read this article!
You may have made any one of the following decisions that can spell absolute destruction once these fuels are no longer available.
Since diesel and gasoline were only invented in the late 1800’s, it will not be so hard to “go back” to a lifestyle without these fuels. Even though there are isolated groups of people throughout the world that survive without these fuels, they also dedicate their entire lives to basic survival. If you are not accustomed to this lifestyle, a few camping trips and survivor practice drills won’t make you ready to live without these fuels.
Knowing that you will need diesel for farm equipment or transport vehicles, you may have decided to store away as much fuel as possible on your homestead. No matter how carefully you store the fuel, or the additives that you use to keep it fresh, there is no guarantee that the fuel will be viable once you have no other choice.
To make matters even worse, storing large amounts of fuel will make you a target for anyone that wants to take it from you. Why bother to defend something in your stockpile that may not even work for the purpose intended?
Convert all equipment that runs on gasoline to biodiesel, methane, or some other fuel you can make for yourself. This move may sound appealing to many people because it can be practiced now, and it make for efficient use of all sorts of materials. As with storing large amounts of fuel, rest assured that you will become the target of an attack by anyone that discovers you have fuel on hand and know where to get more.
There is no such thing as a perfect way to address how you will survive once gasoline and fuel are no longer available. Each possibility has benefits and disadvantages that you will have to compare with your on specific skills, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. For example, someone that is handicapped or cannot easily live off the land will more than likely need to consider finding ways to make diesel or be able to defend large stores of it.
Now let’s have a look at some ways to overcome both the social and tangible survival problems that will happen when diesel and gasoline are no longer available, or they are so expensive that no one can afford them.
5 Things About a Possible Starting Scenario
Instead of one “major” event such as a solar EMP or a major earthquake disrupting the entire planet, let’s say a bunch of smaller, unrelated events converge steadily to create a social collapse that will happen in year 2025.
In our time frame, the scenario might include:
- Less than 10% of commercial and wild bees remain to pollinate crops (bear in mind that commercial bee hives declined by 42% from April 2014 to April 2015 alone). Food shortages will lead to disruptions in oil, gas, and diesel production and transport.
- Texas and the mid states remain either chronically under water or crops fail because of constant hail storms and other disasters. Food riots combined with the need to adjust or move in other drilling equipment will disrupt oil production and storage in this vital area.
- California and the Western states become so hot and dry it is no longer safe to operate solar panels or drill for oil.
- Russia, India, Japan, and China join currencies and create a situation where the US dollar is no longer the standard for international trade. As a result, the US banks go on “holiday” and the currency is devalued to around 25%. Under these circumstances, the US will not be able to import enough oil for consumer needs.
- North Korea, Iran, and ISIS join forces to control the Middle East. A civil war across the land effectively shuts down almost all fuel exports to the United States.
Let me be very clear in saying that this “perfect storm” of seemingly unrelated events can easily happen in a 2 year time frame. When these events converge, the United States will run out of gasoline and diesel within 160 days (at the best case scenario, that’s about how long the fuel will last in the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve).
At that point in time, the currency situation, geographic considerations, and other world events will make it impossible for the United States to buy enough fuel or find ways to continue extracting it from petroleum or plant based sources.
How Will You Know a Fuel Shortage is Coming?
Aside from watching for events similar to those listed above, you can:
- Look at the cost of gasoline and diesel in comparison to the actual production levels.
- Pay careful attention to the availability of food and other common household goods in popular stores. Are milk, eggs, flour, and other staples imported from outside the state running low? Is inventory of first aid and health supplies on the low side? How are the prices changing once new shipments come in? These shortages and price increases may well have to do with actual production problems related to each product, or they may be related to problems with getting enough fuel to ship. Remember how prices on just about everything jumped when gas prices went up just a few years ago?
- It is also always important to look at the FOREX exchanges and see how the US dollar (USD) compares to other currencies.
- I also watch the currency exchange rates and comparisons for key nations/currencies such as Russia (RUB), China (CNY), Hong Kong (HKD), Japan (JPY), India (INR), Saudi Arabia (SAR), Iran (IRR), the Euro (EUR), North Korea (KPW), Venezuela (VEF), Qatar (QAR), Iraq (IQD), Syria (SYP) and Israel (ILS). Even though some of these countries have very little in the way of currency valuation, I still do the comparisons between them and other nations to look for changes. To me, changes in currency among the smaller nations may indicate changes in trade agreements or something else going on that may not be noted in the news.
- Gain a sense and understanding of global crisis patterns. This includes how earthquakes, floods, and other large scale disasters may be increasing in intensity or focusing on areas where it will cause major disruptions that affect prices and availability of crude and petroleum products.
Likely Government Responses to Fuel Shortages
When naive people hear about the Strategic Oil Reserve, they tend to believe that this oil will be made available to the public until it is all gone. Contrary to that belief is the fact that the government has been making disaster plans for years on end.
In these scenarios, the government and military always take priority and always get primary access to the resources. Even though your tax dollars pay for the Strategic Oil Reserve, in the end the government will consider itself a priority over the needs of the people.
Before drilling and access to foreign oil become limited, you can expect the government to do the following:
- They may release some petroleum from the reserves in order to keep prices low and keep the masses from catching on that there is a problem. Nevertheless, there is a point where the release of petroleum to the public will stop even though no new fuel is being obtained.
- Fuel rationing.
- Active seizure of fuel stored by preppers so that it can be redistributed to others that did not prepare for the crisis.
- Attempts to limit the storage of fuel by preppers or find ways to ensure that stored fuel locations are known and under strict surveillance.
The post How the World Would Change Without Fuels appeared first on LewRockwell.
Trump Must Not Flunk His Litmus Test
Trump’s litmus test awaits him on the Oval Office desk. The litmus test is the pardon for every one of the wrongly indicted and wrongly prosecuted January 6 Trump supporters–which means all of them–who attended the rally and were persecuted for doing so. If Trump fails to immediately issue a full and unconditional pardon to all, he will lose the support of MAGA Americans.
If Trump waits, the Establishment will erode the prospects of pardons. “Don’t embarrass Justice Department prosecutors and create an unwelcome environment for the new Attorney General.” “Let bygones be bygones.” “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Crises will appear. More urgent topics will pile on top of the pardons.
To help Trump stand by his supporters, Gary Heavin is working with American Patriot Relief, a 501(c)4 foundation and has marshaled private jet airplanes to return to their homes the pardoned from prisons located at great distances from their homes. Volunteers will be waiting outside 75 prisons in 35 states to deliver the J6 patriots to their homes. In cases where imprisonment caused the loss of their homes, housing will be provided until they are back on their feet. Some have suffered so severely at the hands of the most evil regime in American history that permanent care might be needed.
The project will work with other January 6 support groups such as J6 Pardon Project, American Gulag Chronicles, Stophate, J6 A Road Home, Stand In The Gap, Patriot Mail Project, Condemned USA. Gary Heavin describes the support efforts that are in place in yesterday’s appearance on Ron Paul’s program.
All of us can be part of this historic event of overturning government injustice by donating here. This is not a political fundraiser. All funds go to the aid of the persecuted J6 Americans.
In my view, full pardon for all is just one-third of what needs to be done. Another one-third is restitution for all expenses, lost income, and stress from being wrongly prosecuted and locked away from family, friends, and career in prison. In some cases the vile Democrats imprisoned the wrongly convicted great distances from their communities, thus depriving them of support from visits from family and friends. Some were kept in solidary confinement. Others were tortured. There is some concern that prison officials will have “misplaced” some of the wrongly convicted in order to hold on to them longer while they look for where they relocated them with confusing transfers. The vileness of Democrats has no limit.
The remaining one-third is actually the most important one-third. The DOJ, FBI, and White House officials responsible for the indictments, prosecutions, and imprisonments must be indicted, prosecuted and sentenced. By weaponizing law for propaganda and political purposes and by using false indictments for the purpose of suppressing the powerful evidence of massive vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election, high law enforcement officials committed felonies. They must be held accountable for their crimes. Otherwise, legal precedents are created that are fateful for democracy, the rule of law, and accountable government. Once precedents are established that high officials have immunity for using law not to enforce justice but to create injustice, the rule of law and accountable government cease to exist.
How can Trump permit the government officials who intentionally framed innocent people for political and propaganda purposes to walk away unpunished?
The post Trump Must Not Flunk His Litmus Test appeared first on LewRockwell.
Why Aren’t Hospitals Incentivized To Save Lives?
During COVID-19, we witnessed something previously unimaginable. A national emergency hospitalized thousands of Americans, where they were cut off from their loved ones and inevitably died. It soon became clear that the hospital protocols did not work, but regardless of how futile conventional care was, patients in our hospitals could not get the alternative therapies they needed.
This led to a sobering realization throughout America—what many of us believed about our hospitals was utterly incorrect. Rather than help patients, hospitals effectively functioned like assembly lines that ran disastrous protocols (e.g., remdesivir), denied patients access to their loved ones and refused to use alternative therapies even when it was known the patients were otherwise expected to die.
This was best illustrated by a travel nurse who who was assigned to the New York hospital with the highest death tolls in the nation and realized something very wrong was happening throughout the hospital.
Note: the full interview (and the accompanying viral Twitter thread on it) provides conclusive proof many patients were killed due to grossly inappropriate hospital protocols.
Appallingly, the COVID-19 treatment protocols financially incentivized remdesivir (“run death is near”) and then ventilator care but penalized effective off-patent treatments. As such, hospital administrators required deadly “treatments” like Remdesivir and retaliated against the doctors who used unprofitable treatments that saved lives.
Note: the NIH continued to make remdesivir the treatment for COVID-19 and forbid alternative therapies even as a mountain of evidence piled up its protocols. This was due to Anthony Fauci appointing the NIH committee and selecting chairs that had direct financial ties to Remdesivir’s manufacturer—a recurring problem in American medicine (e.g., I showed how our grossly inaccurate cholesterol guidelines were authored by individuals taking money from statin manufacturers here).
Because of this murderous corruption, families began suing hospitals to allow the use of ivermectin for a relative who was expected to die (after being subjected to Fauci’s hospital COVID protocols). Remarkably, because there was so much money on the line, the hospitals chose to fight these lawsuits in court rather than just administer ivermectin.
Of the 80 lawsuits filed by lawyer Ralph Lorigo, in 40 the judge sided with the family, and in 40 with the hospital. Of those, in the 40 where patients received ivermectin, 38 survived, whereas of the 40 who did not, only 2 survived—in essence making suing a hospital arguably the most effective medical intervention in history. Yet rather than take this data into consideration, the profit-focused hospitals banded together to develop an effective apparatus to dismiss further lawsuits.
As I had expected something like this to happen, shortly before the pandemic, I put a home treatment plain into place (e.g., by procuring high-powered oxygen concentrators and non-invasive ventilation). Numerous people in my immediate circle were successfully treated at home, many of whom would have otherwise been immediately hospitalized and likely died.
Note: prior to COVID, we’d had other patients who merited hospitalization but simultaneously were likely to be put on the palliative care pipeline once admitted, so we’d already learned how to provide much of the care they needed at home.
Likewise, I also heard of more stories than I can count throughout the pandemic where a relative snuck an “unapproved” therapy to a patient in the hospital, saving the patient’s life.
Reductionist Realities
Every situation has two sides: the concrete factors and the intangible processes that lie between them. While modern science often focuses on optimizing the tangible, it tends to overlook the deeper essence of each phenomenon. However, those who nonetheless master these intangible aspects excel, as they solve a myriad of problems their peers cannot.
In medicine, this is clear in the contrast between algorithmic care—where doctors follow strict protocols—and the art of medicine, which involves critical thinking, individualized treatment plans, and nurturing the doctor-patient relationship, which is key to healing. Unfortunately, medical training has increasingly shifted from fostering independent judgment to prioritizing corporate-driven guidelines, leaving little room for the art of care.
In tandem with this shift, the costs of American healthcare have ballooned:
Note: healthcare spending at the beginning of the 20th century was 0.25% of GDP.4
Most remarkably, despite spending 2-4 times as much on healthcare as any other affluent nation, the United States has the worst healthcare outcomes amongst the affluent nations.
This I would argue, is a result of our healthcare spending prioritizing what corporate interests want, not what produces effective healthcare and pervasive corruption being established throughout the government.
Economic Enticements
One of the most reliable means the government has to change the behavior of the healthcare system is by financially incentivizing the behavior it wants (e.g., pushing remdesivir).
A key part of this is grading hospitals on the quality of care they give patients and hospital reimbursement rates being tied to their “quality.” Unfortunately, while some metrics are helpful (e.g., what percent of patients get infected at a hospital), many other metrics lobbyists put in are not (e.g., what percentage of patients get vaccinated). As such, hospital administrators frequently force healthcare workers to push policies that harm patients.
Note: JCAHO is the main organization that assesses the quality of care hospitals provide. Hospital administrators in turn put great efforts into appeasing JCAHO.
After age 40, the amount of money spent on healthcare increases exponentially, with 22% of all medical expenses (and 26% of Medicare expenses) being spent in the last year of life. Since there’s always been a looming threat that Medicare (and Social Security) will go bankrupt, reducing those expenses has long been a focus for healthcare bureaucrats (as best as I can gather, this began in 1979 but really kicked into gear with Obamacare).
The high cost of hospital stays—$2,883 per day on average, or up to $4,181 in California—has thus made reducing their length a priority for healthcare administrators. For example, hospitals are reimbursed with a flat fee per admission, regardless of how long the patient stays (causing hospitals to eat the cost of extended stays), and critical access hospitals (which get paid more) must keep their average hospital stay under 96 hours to maintain JCAHO and Medicare accreditation.
Hospitals thus frequently pressure doctors to shorten stays through financial rewards or penalties for “excessive” stays, with committees aggressively scrutinizing and questioning any extended admissions.
Note: ER doctors’ decision-making on hospital admissions also varies significantly. Some are more cautious, admitting patients who may not be that ill to avoid liability, while others are selective, only accepting those with clear, severe conditions. These unnecessary admissions strain hospital resources and cause insurance companies to have unrealistic expectations for how quickly many conditions can recover and leave the hospital.
Time to Heal
Whenever a problem arises in medicine, the bureaucratic tendency is to find ways to micromanage the concrete variables at the expense of the intangible aspects of patient care. As such, almost all the protocols physicians are trained in (“to improve the quality of medical care”) tend to cast the intangibles to the side—to the point doctors are often penalized if they break from the protocols.
One area where this is particularly problematic is dosing, as different patients simply need different doses of the same therapy. For almost all therapies, a specific dose exists where most patients will begin to benefit from the therapy and another where they will begin to show toxicity.
In turn, doses are usually chosen by what’s in the middle of those two values (the therapeutic index). The problem with this is that since there’s so much variation in patient’s sensitivity to interventions, what can be a therapeutic dose for one patient is instead toxic for another. Since a standardized medical system can’t function without standardized doses, doses are used that frequently injure the more sensitive members of the population.
Note: the art of dosing and the methods we use to determine the correct dose for patients is discussed further here.
For instance, virtually every natural medicine system recognizes that “frail” patients typically cannot tolerate higher doses, and that treating them requires lower doses over an extended period of time. Unfortunately, since hospitals are “required” to get patients out quickly, higher doses are typically used, which causes those with more robust constitutions to recover rapidly, but instead overwhelms the frailer patients. Sadly, when this happens, their family members are often told, “Nothing can be done for the patient” or “They wouldn’t want to live like this for the rest of their life,” to pressure them to put their relative on palliative care to die “comfortably” or send them to hospice.
We believe this inappropriate dosing is a primary cause of unnecessary hospital deaths and that many “terminal” cases could recover with a slower course of treatment.
For example, in patients with congestive heart failure, they typically receive an aggressive diuretic regimen to get the excessive fluid out of the body. In more robust patients, this works, and you can discharge them within 2-3 days, but in weaker patients, it can set off a variety of severe complications (e.g., low blood sodium or kidney failure). For them, good outcomes can only be achieved with a 4-5 day hospital stay and a gentle, well-paced diuretic protocol.
Note: a similar issue happened during COVID with prematurely pulling patients off ventilators.
Because of these economic incentives, hospitals have gotten very efficient at moving patients through the palliative care pipeline, and hospital care often turns into a Darwinian situation where if you haven’t recovered in 3-4 days, you are ‘selected’ to pass away.
In short, hospitals are incentivized to “treat” patients with a standardized protocol rather than get them better. As such, many things that need to be done to improve patient outcomes aren’t, and critical resources are inappropriately diverted.
For instance, hospitals routinely invest in social workers to expedite patients’ discharge (e.g., by pressuring them). In contrast, nurses are so understaffed at hospitals that they often only have the time to take vital signs and give out the pills a doctor ordered, rather than examine each patient every few hours let alone become aware of what’s actually going on with them (which is often crucial for patient recovery). Ideally, nurses should be evaluating patients every 2-3 hours, and if slightly more money was spent to have 1-2 more nurses on each floor, it would be a relatively low-cost way to dramatically improve patient outcomes.
Ultimately, we believe the push to rapidly discharge patients from hospitals (e.g., nursing homes) rather than saving money actually increases healthcare costs because premature discharges frequently lead to numerous readmissions—which is particularly tragic since multiple hospital admissions often pull patients into a fatal downhill spiral.
Note: in contrast, accelerated hospital stays are much less of an issue for post-surgical patients because surgeons are financially penalized if their patients die within 30 days of surgery and hence incentivized to keep patients in the hospital for a sufficient length of time, illustrating how many things in medicine result from economic incentives rather than what’s best for a patient.
The post Why Aren’t Hospitals Incentivized To Save Lives? appeared first on LewRockwell.
Biden’s Parting Warning
From the Tom Woods Letter:
As Joe Biden has begun his fade into oblivion, to be loved in the future only by historians with their useless and laughable rankings of the presidents, he shared with us some farewell remarks.
George Washington, he is not.
Among many other things, he said:
President Eisenhower spoke of the dangers of the military industrial complex. He warned us then about “the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power. End of quote.” Six decades later, I’m equally concerned about the potential rise of a tech-industrial complex that could pose real dangers for our country as well. Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling, editors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit.
Where does one even start, dear reader?
(1) Is Biden also concerned about the military-industrial complex? Does Biden think the dangers of the military-industrial complex, as identified by Eisenhower, persist to this day? If so, what did he do as president to curtail them?
(2) Has the U.S. government itself been guilty of “misinformation” or “disinformation”? How does the misinformation or disinformation of the U.S. government and its compliant media compare with alleged misinformation or disinformation spread by private individuals?
(3) Is the “free press” crumbling, or is legacy media crumbling, and a less cowardly and more decentralized alternative taking its place?
(4) “Fact checking” sounds soothing and nice, but many bad things have nice-sounding names. Are there examples of “fact checking” that were in fact partisan attacks on true statements? In other words, might someone have a good reason (other than irrationally hating “facts”) for being wary of “fact checkers”?
(5) The entire U.S. regime rests on a mountain of lies that contribute to its power and enrich its key players. The history of U.S. wars and foreign policy is a pile of lies that would embarrass a second grader. The track records of various federal agencies are distorted and lied about in order to justify ever-higher budgets. As usual, the U.S. government accuses other entities and individuals of doing the very things that it does every day.
I could probably write an entire book refuting this single Biden paragraph. In fact, very often a single Biden sentence is so misleading that it would take paragraphs to refute.
I’ve sometimes wondered: why are leftists so much more likely than other people to cover their cars in bumper stickers?
Answer: because their entire worldview is a bumper sticker. They think enormously complicated questions can be boiled down to a single moralizing sentence.
The various utopian communities and reform movements of the 19th century were the same way. We would have the society we all longed for if only we could abolish some corrupting institution. Simple!
For the temperance movement it was alcoholic drink that was behind the vast majority of social ills. For the public school movement it was “ignorance.” For the utopian communities it was private property. For the Oneida community it was monogamous marriage. And for the 20th-century civil rights movement it was “racism.”
In each case, everything had a quick and simple answer, and the real world was reduced to a comic book, complete with supervillains (and of course heroes, namely themselves).
The post Biden’s Parting Warning appeared first on LewRockwell.
The Metaphor of the Moment
The passage of events seems to be whirling round at the speed and intensity of a tornado. The dynamic actuality or threat of war, revolution, natural disaster, genocide, economic collapse, pandemic, and dystopian world government confuse the mind into a kaleidoscope of mush. But these are not my metaphors of the moment. The big moment is the Trump inauguration and the ascendancy of his new administration. I think like most readers of LRC that there is reason for hope. Trump himself appears to really want peace on all fronts, but his idea of a great America is one that rules the world (including Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal). Furthermore, his economic and historical illiteracy are frightening. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would appear to be the best possible person to change the healthcare and food systems of the United States (and then the world), but with so many skeletons in his past will he be allowed to do the job properly. There are many other potential members of the new administration that are veterans of the battles against big government and its associated deep state. But there are also plenty of choices that appear to be the same old, same old Washington hacks that have misruled us for decade upon decade. And the taste of power always changes the person. The back and forth argument between Hans Hoppe and his erstwhile disciple Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, is a case on point. No matter what the members of the administration think before this critical moment, it will surely be another story in the months to come.
This is to say the metaphor of the moment for me, that best represents my thoughts and feelings, is the question: Is Trump and his administration the light at the end of the tunnel of darkness, or are they a train coming from the other direction that will destroy us?.
The post The Metaphor of the Moment appeared first on LewRockwell.
Who Is Afraid of Elon Musk?
“EU Commission urged to act over Elon Musk’s ‘interference’ in elections,” reads a recent headline from the British Guardian.
“EU politicians warn against Elon Musk’s incursions into European politics,” says an ABC News report.
“Elon Musk’s interference in national debates angers Europe’s leaders” warns a headline on Euro News.
In the last couple of weeks, Europe’s governing elites have been vociferously bemoaning Elon Musk’s alleged meddling in Europe’s political process. Amid the maelstrom of hysteria and accusations, however, it may be instructive to look at what Musk’s “interference” actually consists of.
The complainers have been mainly pointing to two of Elon’s recent transgressions:
- In the first week of this year, Musk posted some documents from the UK government describing the shocking level and scope of sexual abuse of British girls by Muslim grooming gangs that have taken place over the last two decades.
- On January 9, Musk interviewed Alice Weidel, the co-chair of the German AfD. The AfD is the second most popular political party in Germany and is quickly rising in the polls even as we speak.
These actions have caused European government officials to go apoplectic, crying foul and claiming that Musk’s deeds pose a dire threat to democracy.
They are largely wrong about this: Elon Musk indeed poses a danger but not to democracy. Rather, he poses a danger to the governing elites.
This is because Musk’s popular platform X allows discussion in the public square of burning subjects that people want to talk about, but that the elites have kept under the lid. This they’ve managed by means of the extensive censorship regime they’ve erected throughout western “democracies.”
The assertion that Musk threatens British democracy by bringing attention to the systemic and pervasive sexual exploitation of young British girls by Muslim gangs is absurd on its face.
This is what we learn from Reuters about the situation in the British town of Rotherham:
“A report in 2014, made a conservative estimate that more than 1,400 girls were sexually exploited in the town of Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.”
The fact that there have been over 1,400 girls sexually abused in a single British town gives an idea of the magnitude of the problem. It goes without saying that in situations like this not all victims are identified. And this happened in only one place. There must have been many thousands of young girls exploited in this way across Britain.
The British establishment, however, has largely suppressed public discussion of this matter.
There has been a revealing statistic published recently. From 2011 until 2025 there have been 4,659 mentions of grooming gangs in the UK press. Black Lives Matter, on the other hand, have been referenced nearly sixty thousand times and George Floyd 38,824 times.
What is happening here? Thousands of young British girls were abused by Muslim grooming gangs, and yet the British press has given them only a fraction of coverage – nearly 8 times less – than it has given to one black man who died on another continent of an apparent heart failure brought on by a drug overdose. To make the differential even more glaring, the mentions of the abused girls cover the period of 11 years whereas the sad story of George Floyd extends over a period of four and a half years. To give it perspective, the thousands of sexually molested British girls received 480 mentions a year on average, while George Floyd, who had an extensive criminal record with multiple prison sentences, received well over 7,000 per year.
This mind-boggling imbalance has come about because the British establishment has made it largely taboo to publicly discuss the criminal side of the British Muslim community. And yet, large swathes of the British public feel unsettled and threatened by the plague of grooming gangs and want something to be done about it. Elon Musk has managed to bring this issue into Britain’s public square. By this he has furthered the cause of democracy and not imperiled it. It is, in fact, Musk’s accusers who have – by censorship and suppression – seriously damaged the democratic process.
As far as Musk’s interview with Alice Weidel went, this was another admirable act in service to democracy. Ms. Weidel – an intelligent, photogenic, highly-educated, and cultivated woman – leads a mildly conservative Eurosceptic party with libertarian leanings that enjoys a broad populist appeal in Germany. The top priorities of her party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), are immigration and energy.
The party is resurgent and is currently the second most popular in the country. Nevertheless, the establishment has been smearing Weidel and her AfD as “far right,” “extremist,” and successors to Hitler. They have gone so far as to use the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, to classify the AfD as a “suspected extremist” organization.
To supporters of Donald Trump this will sound all too familiar. They, too, have been labelled as “extremists” not only by the Democrats but also by agencies within the US government.
Needless to say, Alice Weidel cannot obtain a fair interview in Germany’s mainstream media. Whenever she tries to speak, she is aggressively interrupted and heckled by hostile interlocutors.
By interviewing her on X, Elon Musk gave Weidel the space to speak freely about her party’s program. It was an informative conversation which, among other things, plainly showed that the charges of extremism and fascism against the AfD are nothing but calumny and defamation. Even as Musk provided the public with an opportunity to see Alice Weidel as she is – undistorted and uncensored – Europe’s governing elites went into a frenzy, claiming that the interview posed a grave threat to the democratic process.
But how does giving voice to the leader of a populist party who has been speciously slandered, vilified, and censored constitute a threat to democracy?
The elites felt so threatened that they lost control of themselves and inadvertently revealed their criminal election scheming. A few days after the Musk–Weidel talk, Thierry Breton, a former EU commissioner for Internal Market and EU’s Censor-in-Chief, appeared on a TV program to complain about Musk and X (see clip here).
Breton openly admitted that EU officials were monitoring the impact of the interview on the German political situation and were considering what actions to take. When challenged by a censor-minded moderator why not more is done to prevent an undesirable outcome in the upcoming German election, Breton committed a bad slip of the mouth and revealed something that sent shockwaves around the world and should make everyone’s blood curl:
“We did it in Romania, and if necessary, we will have to do it in Germany as well.”
For those not familiar with what happened in Romania, last December the country’s Constitutional Court canceled the second round of a presidential election in which the populist candidate by the name Calin Georgescu, was nearly certain to win big. Georgescu, a former diplomat and a religious man, is a noted Euroskeptic who has called the United Nations “satanic.”
It should come as no surprise that Breton and his scheming cabal of globalists found a way to prevent a populist candidate who enjoyed broad support among the Romanian people from taking office. The EU leaders conspired to sabotage the democratic process in Romania, and they are clearly ready to do it – per the words of Thierry Breton – in Germany and elsewhere as well.
Who, then, is a threat to democracy? Elon Musk or Thierry Breton and his globalist comrades?
As an aside, if not for Musk’s X, Thierry Breton’s disastrous revelatory slip would have been buried and gone unnoticed.
This brings us back to Musk’s historic achievement in the realm of political discourse: Through his largely uncensored global social media platform X, which is used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide and has become the main source of news for people in many countries, he has managed to do an end run around the global censorship regime.
By bypassing the censorship regime and allowing free and open discussion on X, Elon Musk has caused the globalists to lose control of their narratives.
This is the real reason why these censorious, anti-democratic totalitarians hate Elon Musk so much.
If truth be told, it is Musk’s accusers who are the true successors of the fascists. Like their fascist brethren, they censor, cancel, take opposing candidates off the ballot, and conduct lawfare against political rivals. They also annul elections and instinctively oppose free speech with every fiber of their despotic souls.
The post Who Is Afraid of Elon Musk? appeared first on LewRockwell.
More Americans Died Due to Covid 19 Injections Than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined
More Americans died due to COVID 19 injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War combined. This simple fact is astounding. There are approximately 38,000 reported deaths from COVID 19 injections in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) system. Based on studies, the under reporting in VAERS can be anywhere from 1 of 30, to 1 of 100 cases reported. This could put the number of Americans murdered via COVID 19 injections at 3.8 million.
In World War I there were approximately 116,516 American military deaths. In World War II there were approximately 405,399 American military deaths. In the Vietnam War there were approximately 58,220 American military deaths. In total, the combined American military deaths from all three wars were 580,135. So even the low end death projections from the COVID 19 injections exceeded the total American military deaths from all three wars.
It should be pointed out that the death toll from the COVID 19 injections may be much higher. The VAERS statistics are only reports of acute cases early on. In other words, the people dying one, two, or three years later, for instance, from cancer, heart disease, and so on, are not being reported at all. As the years roll on, these deaths will not be reported. Someone dying from complication or disease or disorder, five, ten, or twenty years after being injected, will not likely be attributed to an injection they received years earlier even though that was primary the cause.
We can see this already with people we know. While some recognize that their cancer or other disease or disorder was caused by the injection, others are oblivious to this reality. Imagine the disconnect if the death occurs a decade after being injected.
The only possible way to adequately measure the full devastation of the bioweapon injections impact on humanity is to conduct a comprehensive study of the ‘vaccinated’ and ‘unvaccinated’ and compare all cause mortality of each group as well as prevalence of diseases and disorders in each group. There is a limited window of time to do such a study. Over time the projection of deaths for each year will be adjusted to absorb the increase in deaths due to the shots. This means that even though deaths are increasing each year, there will no longer be excess deaths as the projections have changed. In other words, they will cheat on the projections to accommodate the excess deaths. Also, as time goes on more people will be injured by the shedding. This means that even the disparity between the two groups will dwindle to a degree without cheating on the projections. Since the damage appears does dependent it is likely that the injected will see greater fatalities and more diseases than the uninjected do from the shedding, even as more uninjected get sick and die.
Will there be monuments in the future to the fallen in this campaign of global extermination? Will the victims of this biowarfare campaign be recognized as casualties of war?
Time will tell.
As it stands now, the deafening silence and prohibition regarding talking about the bioweapon injection injuries and deaths is astounding. We just witnessed a presidential campaign where none of the primary or general election candidates were allowed to speak of the massive deaths and disabilities caused by the mRNA injections. With 70-75% of television advertising coming from the pharmaceutical industry, this media blackout on the truth about the biowarfare campaign against the human race, does not appear to be on the verge of changing anytime soon.
The mRNA nanoparticle injections are associated with a 112,000% increase in brain clots compared to the flu shots. This is based on data collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database from January 1, 1990, to December 31, 2023. Researchers concluded, “There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.”
There is a 1236% increase in cardiac arrest deaths, and One in 35 or 2.8% of those injected got heart damage. Approximately 270,227,181 people or 81% of the U.S. population have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 bioweapon injection. This means that almost 8 million Americans got heart damage due to the injections.
Basically, the mRNA nanoparticle injections are shown to cause harm, including death, and to have a negative effectiveness. This means that not only do the shots not work, but you are also more likely to get infected if injected.
Furthermore, the mRNA nanoparticle injections have been shown to injure people via shedding of the technology. A recent study showed that being in close proximity to the ‘vaccinated’ (bioweapon injected) was strongly associated with abnormalities with a woman’s menstrual cycle. I know multiple physicians that have told me about patients that were unvaccinated, but were dating or married to an injected person, and ended up having heart issues. I personally know of people as well where this occurred. This appears time sensitive from when the person was injected.
The post More Americans Died Due to Covid 19 Injections Than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined appeared first on LewRockwell.
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