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Continual Rise in the Cost of Living… And Why the Fed Has No Shame

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

Jay Powell did it again assuring the 1% that he has their back.

Markets recovered their poise over the last 24 hours, as investors were relieved after Fed Chair Powell stuck to his recent views on the economic outlook. In his remarks yesterday, he said that recent data didn’t “materially change the overall picture” and that on inflation “it is too soon to say whether the recent readings represent more than just a bump.” In addition, he reiterated that if “the economy evolves broadly as we expect, most FOMC participants see it as likely to be appropriate to begin lowering the policy rate at some point this year.” So that all helped to validate market pricing, which still expects 71 bps of rate cuts from the Fed by the December meeting.

Needless to say, the man has no shame. And that’s to say nothing of intellectual firepower. There is not even a smidgen of a case that rate cuts in the present context will help main street, and the Fed heads and their Wall Street megaphones don’t actually even try to make that argument.

Instead, they argue for rates cuts by default. If by some tortured version of the CPI (i.e. the “supercore” index, which eliminates 61% of the CPI items by weight) they can espy the in-coming inflation trend settling into a liberally defined vicinity of 2.00%, that’s purportedly good enough to end the money-printing pause that has been in place since March 2022. Thereafter, it’s back to business as usual, flooding the canyons of Wall Street with cheap credit and a new burst of financial asset inflation.

Never mind that in this particular inflation-cycle, the general price level is up by 28% since January 2017 and that tens of millions of households and businesses have been badly damaged, even as others harvested windfall gains. When it comes to inflation and all the other so-called macroeconomic metrics on their dashboards, past history–even the recent past—is dead to the Fed heads.

Instead, it’s all about the current and especially the prospective rate of change as embodied in the silly “dot-plots” they gurgle around in their brains and update four times per year.

And we do mean silly. After all, if the consensus of the 19 geniuses who participate in the dot-plot guessing game espies say a 2.27% gain in the supercore index over the next year, so what?!

The fact is, the US economy needs a lot more relief from its recent inflationary pounding than the Fed’s guesstimated rate of slowdown in the forward year rise of the price level. After all, here is the increase in the core cost of living items since January 2017.

Change in Core Cost-of-Living Components Since January 2017:

  • Food: +32%.
  • Shelter: +34%.
  • Energy: +35%.
  • Transportation Services: +36%.

In the case of savers, retirees, wage-earners in globally impacted industries where wages haven’t kept up with the CPI, isn’t the above enough punishment? Doesn’t it actually amount to state-directed expropriation of their living standards and modest accumulated wealth?

In any event, what the hell is so almighty urgent about rate cuts when the economy is still growing apace and the cumulative inflation of the last seven years has not been relieved in the slightest?

Increase In Major Cost-of-Living Components of the CPI Since January 2017

The dog-eared claim that rate cuts will enhance the growth rate of output, jobs, investment and spending on main street just doesn’t wash. Artificially low interest rates overwhelmingly fuel borrowing for speculation and financial engineering (e.g. stock buybacks) on Wall Street, not borrowing for productive investment on main street or even for enhanced “consumption” by the household sector, which is now buried in debt up to the gills after decades of easy money.

In fact, the only way that easy money causes households to spend more than the growth rate of their incomes is if they steadily increase their debt-to-income or leverage ratio. That generates incremental borrowings, which in turn can supplement spending derived from current period income.

And that’s exactly what happened in the half-century leading up to the great financial crisis. The household debt-to-income (wage and salary basis) ratio posted at 70% in 1960, but vaulted skyward thereafter, especially after Greenspan opened the spigots at the Fed after 1987. By Q1 2009 that household leverage ratio stood at 227% (purple area), and it was that massive increase in leverage which goosed household spending during this interval of time.

No more. Since Q1 2009 the household sector has been slowly but steadily deleveraging, with the ratio now down to 166% as of Q4 2023. What that means is that the Fed’s magic “stimulus” elixir simply doesn’t work any more in the household sector. It gooses organic spending not one whit.

Explosion of Household Debt Leverage During 1960 to 2009 and Deleveraging Since Then

As to the supply-side growth canard, it cannot be gainsaid that the amount of monetary stimulus has been off the charts relative to all prior history. In fact, the Fed’s balance sheet at @ $7.5 trillion is still more than 8X its pre-crisis level in Q4 2007.

Yet when it comes to real growth of value-added production during the six year period from Q1 2018 to Q4 2023, the chart below tells you all you need to know. To wit, real value added output in the health care, education and social services sector grew at a 2.71% per annum rate, which was 3X the 0.90% real growth rate of the nondurable goods production sector.

Self-evidently, the former sector does not need easy money or ultra-low interest rates to grow. Demand in the health, education and social services sector is overwhelmingly financed by government fiscal transfers, including the massive subsidies implicit in the medical care deductions and preferences of the IRS code.

Indeed, the red line in the chart below represented the fastest growing sector of the US economy by far during that six year period, but we’d dare say none of those gains depended upon low interest rates. The sector’s munificent funding actually flows from statutory entitlements and long-standing tax code provisions, which generate essentially the same level of demand and sector output whether the Federal funds rate is 1% or 7%.

At the same time, it is highly unlikely that a return to low rates will do much for the moribund growth rates in the industrial economy, as represented here by real-value added in the nondurable goods industries. Long ago, much of US production of shoes, shirts, sheets, household supplies and the like was off-shored to lower cost venues abroad. And locking in the current inflated domestic costs levels plus another 2-3% per year going forward will not bring them back.

In sum, the Fed’s fiddling with interest rates is largely irrelevant to the supply-side path of the two industries shown below, and countless more just like them.

Real Value Added: Education, Health Care and Social Assistance Sector Versus Durable Goods, 2018 to 2023

Finally, it is tantamount to laughable to claim that the Fed needs to revert to the rate cutting modality in order to stabilize the financial markets and main street economy and to compensate for the purported inherent volatility of the free market.

Oh, puleese!

Every one of the main street recessions and financial market crises of the past six decades has been caused by the state and the machinations of its central banking branch. The very idea that there is an implicit third mandate called “financial stability” (after inflation control and full employment) is risible. It puts you in mind of the young man who killed both parents and then threw himself upon the mercy of the court on the grounds that he was an orphan!

At the end of the day, sharply cutting rates any time this year or for some time to come thereafter would amount to a financial crime. After just a short stay of approximately eight months barely in positive territory (purple area) since July 2023, inflation-adjusted or real rates would be back below the zero bound, where they have destructively dwelled for much of the last several decades, as the chart makes crystal clear.

Of course, that development would be heartily welcomed by Wall Street speculators and the Washington war-mongers and spenders alike. And that’s exactly the reason it should not be done.

Inflation-Adjusted Federal Funds Rate, 2001 to 2024

Reprinted with permission from David Stockman’s Contra Corner.

The post Continual Rise in the Cost of Living… And Why the Fed Has No Shame appeared first on LewRockwell.

ADHD: Ritalin, Cocaine, and the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Physical and ‘Psychological’ Torture of Children

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

“The degree to which the psychiatric community is complicit with abusive parents in drugging non-compliant children is a war crime across the generations, and there will be a Nuremberg at some point in the future”

Stefan Molyneux

I will step away from my normal correspondence in order to address a purposely-generated problem that has reached heights of abuse so extreme as to have grossly compromised one in nine children in this country. This intentionally manufactured problem is insanely egregious, and has caused irreparable harm due to the administration of psycho-stimulation drugs prescribed to mostly children, and in many (most) cases, has destroyed their ability to think, function normally, live active and fulfilling lives, and to exist without devastation of their health, mind, body, and soul. I am speaking of what is dishonestly labeled as ‘ADHD,’ or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity ‘Disorder,’ a bogus scam meant only  to achieve wealth, power, and control of a large segment of the young in society, without any physiological evidence whatsoever.

I was first introduced to this State-supported atrocity 25 years ago, when the government (‘public) school system attempted to erroneously ‘diagnose’ and drug my granddaughter with what is the equivalent of cocaine on steroids for a non-existent ‘disorder.’ She was only 6 years old at the time, but I was able to get her out of the heinous ‘public’ school system and into a private school that did not promote (force) the drugging of children. This began my research efforts into this collaborative and criminal government’s fascist partnership with pharmaceutical companies targeting kids.

This was (and is) in essence, a domestic false flag operation targeting the young, with a multi-dimensional agenda that could at the same time disturb the mental capabilities of a large swath of the youngest generations. This of course, would lead to a compounding effect over time, breeding a more obedient and a less intellectual population. It could cause additional health-related problems for life, serve as a control mechanism based on the compromising of brain and motor functions of the young through central nervous system damage, and could easily lead to a much more compliant society so as to enhance the ability to manage and regulate large numbers. This is all based on the greatly enhanced wealth of the few, gaining governing power, and a higher level of control over the collective herd of the dumbed-down masses.

There is no such thing as ADHD! Period. No brain condition, no brain damage, ‘mental’ or physical, no physiological evidence whatsoever exists, or has ever been demonstrated to prove that any cause dishonestly referred to as ADHD is valid. None.

What has been proven and is obvious, is the horrible damage done due to the administration of harmful drugs, especially to the bodies and minds of the not fully developed, and immature young. The so-called (illegitimate) ‘treatment’ for the fake ‘disorder’ called ADHD is Ritalin, a most devastating and mind-altering drug to be certain. The properties of Ritalin as opposed to cocaine are staggeringly similar, and in fact, are two sides of the same coin, except that Ritalin has longer lasting adverse effects. Cocaine is said to be plant based, while Ritalin is said to be chemically based. In simple terms, and from a comparative analysis, the differences are few. Ritalin is the immediate-release form of methylphenidate, and is classified as a central nervous system stimulant or psychostimulant. in fact, it has been classified as a Schedule II drug, which is in the same class as cocaine, Vicodin, methamphetamine, methadone, hydromorphone, Demerol, OxyContin, fentanyl, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin.

Ritalin’s side effects, and many are not even listed here, are astounding. They include allergies, hives, swelling, extreme heart problems, psychosis, circulation problems, increased blood pressure, mood changes, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, inability to sleep, fast heart rate, heart arrhythmia, no appetite, extreme weight loss, nausea, vomiting, pain, headache, dizziness, disorientation, aggression, hostility, paranoia, and loss of coordination. This is in addition to possible permanent brain damage. All of these side effects can also be enhanced to even more dangerous levels when other drugs, anti-depressants, and even over-the-counter ‘medications.’ are co-mingled. Given the massive prescribing and administration of drugs for everything and everybody today, the risks are astronomical. Also, the risk of dependency (addiction) is great as well.

The incidence of diagnosis of this bogus ‘disorder’ has increased steadily year after year. Since 1997, and just up to 2017, the increase in stated cases rose by approximately 145%. The rate of diagnosed cases by that time were over 11% of children under 12 years of age. In addition, more cases are said to be dramatically increasing in older children and adults, opening up much larger markets for higher profits for the murderous pharmaceutical companies.

This is an abomination, as it is the literal destruction of a large percentage of children. Much of this criminal medical scam is based on fear of one’s child being ‘different,’ which should be applauded, instead of suppressed. Today’s parents are much at fault (or most) for allowing the State and its partners in crime, to dictate how their children should be raised and drugged to suit the perverted mores of the ruling class’s idea of societal collective mediocrity. There is another degrading aspect to this dilemma, as parents today, many who have been ‘forced,’ (due to voluntary support of the State) both married couples and single parents, to work outside the home, leaving their children to be raised by the evil governing and schooling systems. This in my mind is the abandonment of family for the sake of material survival, which would never have been prevalent if government instead of family had been abandoned.

Every child, every human in fact, is different from every other. We are unique as individuals, and that uniqueness should be cherished. Wants, needs, intelligence, interests, personality, desire, energy levels, talents, hopes, and dreams, are destroyed when all attempt to stifle individual excellence in favor of conformity. When the individual is sacrificed for the so-called ‘good’ of the collective crowd, an inferior society will be the result, and independence, strength, self-ownership, and self-responsibility, will be discarded in favor of  sameness, universal attitudes of victimization, boredom, and depression.

This is why the drugging of society, especially the current and future generations of the impressionable young, are targeted by this fascist and criminal State. The older generations still exist in large numbers, but their lives are not long for this world. In two generations only, all will dramatically change. If the young are fully controlled due to indoctrination, AI, technocratic design, drugs, and propagandized from birth, the controlling element of this world will have an easy time eliminating all dissent, while creating an entire society of drone-like mannequins accepting of their own dependency and enslavement.

There is a reason that the young are being dumbed down and targeted from every angle, manipulated to never question false ‘authority,’ to forget and eliminate tradition, to abandon family, and to hate everything and everybody. The State and its criminal partners fully understand the path they are taking in order to achieve its goal  of creating a kept and indifferent society of slaves. The medical fraud, including the toxic and fatal poisoning by lethal injection of bioweapons called ‘vaccines,’, and the extreme drugging of youth, including the ADHD and Ritalin crime, is just one aspect of this terror being inflicted on society.

To stop this deadly assault, parents have to once again become parents, instead of worthless, pathetic, dolts worried more about their phone, games, and constant personal desires that run completely counter to the well-being of their own children.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

~ Dr. Suess

The post ADHD: Ritalin, Cocaine, and the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Physical and ‘Psychological’ Torture of Children appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Intellectual Poverty of Racial Polylogism

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

In this age of the “decolonized curriculum,” universities have set out to decolonize the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. By “decolonize,” they simply mean that all fields of knowledge should reflect all cultures and not just what they see as “Western” science. Epistemology, too, has been decolonized.

In a field known as the “philosophy of race and racism,” it is argued that philosophy itself—how human beings reason and understand the world—is determined by race. For example, Charles W. Mills writes that philosophy as a discipline is “white,” arguing that “philosophy aspires to the universal, whereas race is necessarily local, so that the unraced (whites) become the norm.” Mills’s argument suggests that the essential idea of an objective search for truth is “white.” If that were the case, it would follow that unlike the “unraced” who seek objective truth, the “raced” need not seek the truth in any objective sense. Truth seeking is merely a predilection of the “unraced.”

The philosophy of race sees racism itself as a philosophical method and depicts racially determined truths as a justification for rejecting the idea that one ought to seek truth in an objective sense because reason itself is determined by race. Ludwig von Mises describes this as “the polylogism of the racists”; namely, the idea that “there exists between various races a difference in the logical structure of mind.” Pierre Perrin defines polylogism as follows:

Polylogism is an epistemological view based on the proposition that the logical structure of the mind is substantially different between human groups. It thus implies that the logical laws of thought (i.e., the law of noncontradiction, modus ponens [If A, then BA, therefore, B], etc.) are different between groups to which individuals belong.

Erasing Objective Facts

Racial polylogists argue that the proposition “If A, then BA, therefore, B” is only true for Europeans because it was first propounded by ancient Greek philosophers. The implications of this are far-reaching. Polylogists do not merely argue that cultural contexts or personal identity influence our subjective values and worldview, a view that would be uncontroversial. As Mises writes in Human Action, “A man’s value judgements and his choices of ends reflect his inborn bodily features and all the vicissitudes of his life.”

Polylogists do not merely assert that variations in subjective life experiences or variations in culture influence our worldview, but they go further to assume that there is no such thing as an objectively knowable reality. For example, white journalists writing about black affairs are assumed not to be objective and more importantly not capable of being objective. The claim is that when white journalists purport to be objective, they are simply representing a white perspective: “The views and inclinations of whiteness are accepted as the objective neutral . . . [but] no journalistic process is objective. And no individual journalist is objective, because no human being is.” The argument is that rather than “pretend” to be objective, journalists should seek simply to be “accurate.” This ignores the fact that accuracy too is founded on the premise that it is possible to ascertain, in some objective sense, what is or is not accurate. Accuracy cannot simply be a matter of subjective opinion about some unknowable truth, as implied by polylogists who say that “my truth” varies from “your truth.”

In denying that an objective view of the facts can be ascertained by anyone of any race, racial polylogism is incompatible with basic tenets of natural justice and the rule of law, such as the presumption of innocence and the attendant requirement that a case must be proved with objective evidence. Adherents of critical race theories argue that these tenets of justice are Eurocentric and of no relevance to nonwhite races in a multicultural context. In their view, upholding such tenets in the context of judicial proceedings merely upholds “white supremacy” and “white privilege” since these principles as currently defined were established in the context of Western civilization. These adherents call into question the entire idea of justice according to law, their claim being that both justice and law are constructs determined by group identity.

From their proposition that there is no such thing as objective evidence, it follows that not only must science fall, but the rule of law itself must fall with it. It is a worldview incompatible with civilization—a matter that does not trouble them in the slightest as they believe barbarism to be “another way of knowing” that is equal to any civilization.

The Correct Counterargument

Some critics have attempted to counter racial polylogists by denying that there is any such thing as race. This is not Mises’s approach. In Human Action, he observes that “it is an established fact that mankind is divided into races,” but it does not follow that human reason is determined by his race. Mises adds: “It is a far cry from acknowledgment of this fact to the belief that racial inheritance or class affiliation ultimately determines judgments of value and the choice of ends.”

Similarly, some people attempt to counter racial polylogism by denying that race has any bearing on IQ. Again, this is not Mises’s approach. In Omnipotent Government, he observes that “some men can think deeper and more refined thoughts than others . . . but as far as a man is able to think and to follow a process of discursive thought, he always clings to the same ultimate principles of reasoning that are applied by all other men.”

Mises provides the correct explanation for why theories of “racialized philosophy” are wrong, emphasizing that human reason is common to all human beings:

Until the middle of the nineteenth century no one ventured to dispute the fact that the logical structure of mind is unchangeable and common to all human beings. All human interrelations are based on this assumption of a uniform logical structure. We can speak to each other only because we can appeal to something common to all of us, namely, the logical structure of reason.

This provides the only possible foundation for science, for peaceful coexistence, and for civilization itself.

Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.

The post The Intellectual Poverty of Racial Polylogism appeared first on LewRockwell.

Sue for Peace, You Friggin Idiots!

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

So, by this time, nearly everyone knows that the U.S. MIC (Military-Idustrial-Congressional complex) branch of the “Deep State” needs a constant supply of blood. Ukraine is the current nubile victim. Already seriously drained and near death, she’s seeking more transfusions from NATO and “the West” – – –

Ukraine Formally Asks NATO To Send Troops For First Time, Pentagon Mulling –ZeroHedge

As Russia Advances, NATO Considers Sending Trainers Into Ukraine –The New York Times

The tired old plot would be boring — sending “trainers” is how the MIC usually gets us involved in undeclared wars. You have to protect them so you send in the troops.

Vietnam is the prototype — except this time, it has nuclear WWIII eagerly hovering in the rafters poised for pretty much the end of life on earth.

Even Joe Biden could see this right from the beginning.

Biden Says Risk of Nuclear ‘Armageddon’ Is Highest Since 1962 [Cuban Missile] Crisis –The New York Times

It’s clear that Putin was counting on the Ukrainians-in-charge realizing that Ukraine didn’t have a snowball’s chance. Which is why, to remind them, Russian troops were parked on Ukraine’s border for three months before Putin reluctantly pulled the trigger on Russia’s SMO.

Olexii Arestovich, Ukrainian President Zelensky’s former ‘spin doctor’ and adviser got it exactly right – – –

It was conceived as a bloodless mission and should have passed without casualties, he says. “They tried to wage a smart war… Such an elegant, beautiful, lightning-fast special operation, where polite people, without causing any damage to either a kitten or a child, eliminated the few who resisted. They didn’t want to kill anyone: Just sign the [NATO] renunciation”…. Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture, February 14, 2023

And after a couple of quick pokes with Russian sharp sticks, indeed the Ukrainians-in-chargegot it” and Ukrainian negotiaters were already talking peace with the Russians via videoconference in March of 2022. But since there are no MIC profits in peace – – –

U.S. Sec. of State Blinken Dismisses Calls for a Ceasefire, Says US Must Build Up Ukraine’s Military, The Secretary of State called for Washington to continue to put militarism before diplomacy –

Like The March of Dimes after Polio was conquered, NATO has been looking for something to do ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. What a great opportunity! And of course for the US MIC – – – KAching!! KAching!!

But what do Putin and the Russians want from Ukraine?

No, they obviously don’t want to take over Ukraine let alone the former Soviet Union, Europe or the World.

They wanted basically two things:

1. Stop the expansion of NATO into Ukraine — which would put NATO/U.S. nukes directly on Russia’s borders, Russia’s retalitory nukes into launch-on-warn mode, and thus excite The Final World War flapping madly in anticipation.

2. Enforce the sense of the Ukraine, Russia, OSCE, France and Germany created and signed Minsk Agreements, guaranteeing the Kiev Government will stop harassing the Russian speakers in the two Donbas provinces, especially using NAZI divisions with bombs, artillery, automatic weapons, etc. And vice-versa.

But that was then, this is now.

Now, according to the New York Times, “Ukraine’s Draft Dodgers Run, and Swim, to Avoid the War“. That’s because there are already 600,000 Ukrainians dead from the war — Poland says 1,000,000.

You’re absolutely correct; The Russians have no more right to demand that Ukraine not join NATO than U.S. President John F. Kennedy had to demand the former Soviet Union remove its nukes from Cuba. That resulted in The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis that Biden referred to above. But while you may have the right-of-way, if you insist on taking it at the wrong time, you’ll end up in the hospital. Or worse.

Russia announces nuclear weapon drills after ‘provocative’ Western threats | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera

These are drills for using tactical, that is, short range, nukes as a result of NATO and the U.S. making provocative noises about sending so-called “advisors” into Ukraine. That was the same ploy used by That Thing Currently Living in Washington D.C. to get “us” into the Vietnam War, remember.

According to every Russia vs. NATO simulation, any use of nukes leads to all-out nuclear World War 3.

But let’s say these simulations are all wrong and the use of nukes is somehow confined to only territorial Ukraine. And forget about the radioactive fallout.

Hey Ukraine folks, you would become largely a depopulated wasteland pockmarked with radioactive craters. The slightly tongue-in-cheek meme that, “The U.S. is determined to fight the Russians down to the last Ukrainian” would become history rather than just a meme.

The only healthy Ukrainians left would likely be the five million who have fled the country.

So, will you allow your former comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy do that to your beautiful land just to keep the American MIC fat, sassy and rich?

No? Then tell the Ukrainians-in-charge,Sue for peace you friggin idiots!

HERE for updates, additions, comments, and corrections.

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The post Sue for Peace, You Friggin Idiots! appeared first on LewRockwell.

Miasma of Mind Control: How the Propaganda System Works

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

I’m mulling over the latest distracting new piece of disinfotainment.

I’m not sure if it originated with NYT or CNN or CIA or WaPo or WSJ or BBC or NPR, with CDC or DoD or MSNBC or NSA or FDA or NIH or WEF or WHO or a big corporation or think tank.  Or some combination of those players.  Probably a combination.  They’re all on the same team.

Maybe this slanted piece of disinfotainment is getting bolstered by surreptitious funding from George Soros and his cut-out NGOs.  Or by Bill Gates and his front groups.  Billionaire Gates, who controls the WHO through his money as self-appointed Global Health Czar, heavily influences the news media which promotes his harmful genetic “vaccines” and his other insane schemes.

This major new piece of distracting disinfotainment is solid misinformation.  It’s fortified with pseudo-nutritional lies that support the Official Narrative.  On whatever…

The Covid scamdemic/plannedemic.

Or the “safe and effective” vaccines that keep killing and maiming millions with heart damage, blood clots, myocarditis, neurological disorders, paralysis, autoimmune disease, turbo cancers, infertility, sterility, and death.

Or the apocalyptic “killer virus” that never existed.  It was just another mild seasonal flu, if it existed at all.

Or that whopper, life-threatening man-made “global warming.”  Which morphed into the “climate change” hoax.

Or the 2020 US presidential election where vote-counting suddenly stopped in five or six key states so that rejiggering could take place, but you were assured nothing untoward happened—and if you think it did happen then you’re a right-wing dupe misled by bad people and conspiracy theories.

Or “Israel’s right to defend itself” as it carries out a televised genocide in full public view to complete its extermination/removal/dispossession of the Palestinian people begun in 1947-1949.  (Don’t worry, Alan Dershowitz says Israel is taking the utmost care to avoid civilian casualties—more than any other nation in history.  Yet by Ralph Nader’s estimate, over 200,000 Palestinians have been murdered already and the spreading famine claims more lives every day, with Gaza’s infrastructure almost totally destroyed by the Biden/Netanyahu assault.)

Or the thug Volodymyr Zelensky’s “valiant fight for freedom and democracy.”  (He was, until recently, a soft-porn stand-up comic who liked to expose himself, so go figure.)

Inflation is firmly under control, thanks to our great “president” Joseph Robinette Biden, a usurper/imposter like his CIA-groomed puppetmaster Barry Soetoro (aka Obama).  Today a fast-food meal—burger, fries, soda—costs nearly 20 bucks, going up to $26.99 real soon as America’s wars continue.

Still, there is no massive anti-war movement to end BOTH the Biden/Netanyahu genocide of Gaza and the ridiculous US/NATO war against Russia via sacrificial proxy Ukraine.  People are too busy on their cell phones, I guess, or watching TV.  Getting good misinfo-disinfo-tainment to keep them in the matrix.  In the miasma of lies.  With CIA-vetted Hollywood movies and wokeist TV serials to further disconnect them from reality.  With snide late-night comedians, paid off by Big Pharma and the Powers That Be, to mock anyone with an independent mind.

But I still have dreams about a massive, monster Anti-War Demonstration…several million people shutting down Washington DC, bashing the lame corrupt Congress,  and exposing ALL the pre-approved Presidential candidates as the frauds they are.

Y’know, a genuine anti-war movement.  No keffiyehs required.  And no Covid masks.  Just millions of awakened people, of all ages and religions and colors and creeds.  Shouting “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not gonna take this anymore!”

That might shut down the War Machine, put the Permanent War Economy on hold, and force a rethinking of America’s priorities.

The post Miasma of Mind Control: How the Propaganda System Works appeared first on LewRockwell.

Remembering the Holocaust on Memorial Day

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration day, started on May 30, 1868. The purpose of the holiday was to remember fallen Union soldiers in the War Between the States. Due to the World Wars and other conflicts the holiday evolved to honor all those that died in combat and in 1971 the date was changed from May 30th to the last Monday of May. The origin of the holiday is not so clear, however, as there are other claims that occurred in the south and the north before, during, and after the War Between the States.

In the United States we have not had to suffer a true war fought on American soil since the War Between the States. As such, we honor our soldiers rather than the civilian victims of the combat. Arguably, this is because we have not incurred large civilian deaths as a result of war. Well, at least that was the case until now.

The campaign of biological and technological warfare conducted against Americans and the human race is catastrophic and is an ongoing holocaust. According to Dr. James Thorpe, M.D. the number of dead and inured from the COVID 19 injections estimates are mind blowing:

Best estimates are 585 million global citizens killed or injured from the COVID-19 “vaccines” and you have inflicted massive harm to pregnant women, preborn, and newborns on a global scale.

Estimates of the dead alone place the numbers at 17 million and higher. This would place the numbers at over 700,000 in the United States. This data is not static. It is dynamic. With each passing day more people get injured and die. Individuals are getting turbo cancers, heart attacks, strokes, autoimmune diseases, neurological problems, and the list goes on. Each year that passes the mortality rate will increase as will the incidents of all these diseases and health conditions.  The problem will not go away. It appears that it will get worse with each year. There is a massive campaign to normalize this and convince people that all the illnesses and diseases developing are normal.

Pfizer whistle blower Melissa McAtee recently reported that another whistle blower Justin Leslie reported that mRNA is in the flu shots. This is an extremely serious problem as not only will many of the people getting the flu shots get injured, many others will get injured from the shedding. The shedding phenomenon is real and very well documented. Pfizer’s own documents discuss shedding and the risk of the shedding. Many of the Pfizer documents can be read on

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD. has repeatedly documented the self assembling nanotechnology in the blood from COVID shot victims, and victims of shedding. Unfortunately, her research points to a distinct possibility that the shedding process may be ongoing as she has recording the self assembly in the blood of an eight month old cadaver. My understanding is that this technology is hijacking the energy of our cells and self replicating biosynthetic cells.

Not only is the continued shedding of this technology a problem as time goes on, so is the progression of the damage this technology does to the human body over time. There is no reason as far as I am aware to think that the damage caused is not permanent and will not progress over time. There are likely a myriad of factors to determine how bad the damage is and how fast the progression of illness will be for each individual.

Still, the reality is that life spans are being shortened and birth rates are going down. Simply giving someone an autoimmune disease shortens their lifespan. There is also no way to know how offspring will be affected by this technology. The full extent of the damage is incalculable. It appears that besides the obvious depopulation goal and transhumanist goals, one of the purposes of this campaign of biological and technological warfare is to weaken the human population to a condition that they are not only easily manageable, but also so sickly that they will need constant medical treatment of some kind to live.

The truth is that it is necessary to engage in some speculation regarding the full scope of the agenda. There are simply too many moving parts. The global conspirators have multiple goals with each action they take.

Read the Whole Article

The post Remembering the Holocaust on Memorial Day appeared first on LewRockwell.

Blinken Poking the Bear WWIII – Using Directed Energy Weapons

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

Given that the CIA is running Ukraine and Zelenskyy is simply a figurehead, Blinken is authorizing the CIA to strike inside Russia putting America in the war front and center.  A last ditch solution to Netanyahu’s criminal arrest dilemma.  War.   A last ditch effort to forego US elections.  War.   All while putting Taiwan on military alert. 

The Blinken logic is that if Ukraine uses – US weapons inside Russia – it could trigger WWIII.  Problem with this media illogic?  The Kyiv CIA has already been striking inside Russia in the Belgorod Region.  Every weapon left to the disposal of Ukraine is either US made, German made, or UK made. The Kabbalah is running out of time and solutions.  Kyiv has few troops left and morale is in hell.  But Netanyahu needs a diversion.

As Blinken testifies before the House committee, the topic opens with,  “I think the need for U.S. global leadership – and cooperation with allies and partners – has never been greater”.  Congress is in denial of world events.  No one in Congress objects to this dystopian intifada.  On the World Stage – No one wants America’s version of leadership.  Not even Europe.  Global Heads of State have watched as the Kabbalah has taken a nice filet mignon and turned it into blackened ash.   America is decaying – and their war is already lost.  Their only hold on The People was their anonymity.

Jacob Rothschild died.  Klaus Schwab has announced his retirement.  Soros has handed the reins to his youngest son Alex whose education is a BA in History.  And 145 countries voted FOR Palestine against Israel and the US.  The power struggle is now simply a Will Smith slap fest.  While the media continue their tribute to immature fantasyland drivel.   Ted Cruz, one of Kabbalahs top funding recipients, suddenly appears on CNN discussing election fraud.   And pundits grovel.  Nauseating!

The insanity of America’s politicians discussing initiating WWIII based on Ukraine is most certainly the last death wish of Gyorgy Schwartz – Soros.   Lloyd Austin has admitted that the US is not nearly ready for a confrontation with anyone given our depleted inventory of manpower and weapons.   Not to mention, the quality of manpower has been severely lowered via vaccine injuries and death and a lowering of intellectual and physical enlistment requirements.  Not to worry, the FBI is training migrants.   Not to work the vineyards as Pelosi claims – but to fight – internally & externally.  The same FBI that was given a thumbs up to take out Trump at Mar a Lago last year.

Inevitably, chaos has always been the mantra of Soros – which is also the reflection of the Biblical Satan.   Chaos vs Order.   Order is the equivalent of a country rooted in Biblical teachings.  Chaos is America.  If chaos wins – America goes to Hell.

Last week, Russia launched a low orbit satellite that was following the same orbit as its American counterpart.   Several months ago, the Pentagon was warning Russia against putting a weapon in space.  Maj General Pat Ryder declared that Russia’s satellite was capable of destroying other satellites and was thus a weapon of war.

In line with Ryder’s intellectual acumen, he stated:

“Certainly, we would say that we have a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend the space domain and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the joint and combined force. And we’ll continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment.”

Translation – The US has launched space weapons and is angry that Russia would have the audacity to launch one as well albeit programmed to shadow – the Pentagons.   Such low orbit satellites can carry Directed Energy Weapons such as the one used in Maui.  Nukes can be taken out.  DEI’s are much more targeted and virtually immediate.

The US currently has over 11,500 satellites in orbit with different functions.  Of those, roughly 240 are military.  By comparison, China has 140 and Russia has 105 military satellites.  All, of course, are simply spying – not weaponized – if you believe the White House. While the US has declared the latest satellite launched by Russia to be weaponized, the statement is based on speculation and media fear mongering.   The fact that the Pentagon declared the Russia satellite a ‘deterrence’  indicates that the US is operating weapons in space despite claiming otherwise.

Currently under development in the US are the following space weapons according to The Pentagon:  Chemical Lasers, Particle Beams and space planes.   The Directed Energy weapons are considered the most valuable by the DoD which contracts with TRW Systems, Northrop, Pratt & Whitney, Boeing, GE, Raytheon, and Rocketdyne.  According to a very informed anonymous, former official who worked somewhere official, the chemical laser research was stopped in 2012…because they preferred a renewable, sustainable, equity weapon to replace those nasty pants chemicals.

However, the Army does issue a Weekly Report that discusses “Directed Energy Master Plan”.

One such Report in 2023 discusses high energy lasers and high powered microwaves.

These weapons can be carried by a satellite.  The ultimate goal is to create hypersonic missiles. Which Russia, Iran and China have already developed.   The report is focused on a go-to date for War – 2030.  One such prototype is named THOR – and is considered of great value for the fact that any idiot can operate it – even an untrained immigrant…  These weapons can be mounted on trucks, ships, and planes.   But their quality diminishes with distance.  That is now the focus.

Up thru 2023, the DoD had not convinced Congress that the increased research and development of prototypes was worth the disadvantages – repair, cleanup, etc…   Which makes their test case, Maui, look as though it was actuated to show Congress how powerful such a weapon could be over conventional counterparts.  IF one of the DoD military contractors, like Raytheon, wanted a live demonstration it would explain why the entire Lahaina area was/is immediately cordoned off in order to assess the means for cleanup and to suppress any link to an American defense contractor.

The Feudal mentality is ultimately going to be tested in WWIII.  The ‘WHEN’ is questionable. 

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.

The post Blinken Poking the Bear WWIII – Using Directed Energy Weapons appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Murder of a Civilization

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

A month ago I wrote about the Shieldmaiden, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young female Dutch lawyer, who has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as in George Orwell’s novel 1984, words are turned upside down and have the opposite of their meaning. Diversity now means “sameness” with no country’s population corresponding to the ethnicity of its name. Destroying the diversity afforded by white ethnic nations is the goal of the EU tyrants and “President” Biden who recently stated, as Tucker Carlson reported, that getting rid of white America was a good thing. See this.

I predicted that the young white woman’s own Dutch government will close her down in some horrific way for “racist” agitation for the continuing existence of an ethnically Dutch nation. It is OK for the Dutch to defend themselves against Russia but not against immigrant-invaders.

It is certain to happen as the Dutch government has already moved against another young blond female Dutch lawyer, Raisa Blommestijn.

Raisa is being prosecuted for “racism” and “inciting hatred” for commenting on a video posted on social media showing a gang of immigrant-invaders brutally beating a young white boy: “How many defenseless white people remain to become victims? Countless probably: the open borders elite is importing these people in droves, with all the consequences that entails.”

Raisa complains that Dutch citizens are being “persecuted for their political opinions,” but what is actually happening is worse. Raisa is being prosecuted for calling public attention to a fact. Raisa was supposed to ignore the fact, because the fact reflects poorly on the open borders policy, and anything that reflects poorly on open borders is racist. In other words, we must deny reality or be prosecuted. See this.

Criminalizing the recognition of reality is being achieved throughout Europe and the UK. A member of the German Parliament, Marie-Therese Kaiser, was convicted and fined by a German court for asking a question prompted by the governments own statistics that show that Afghan and African immigrant-invaders in Germany commit 40 and 70 times more gang rapes than ethnic Germans.

The utterly moronic Judge proclaimed: “Freedom of expression ends where human dignity begins.” See this.

In other words, the German judge reasons that it is the dignity of the immigrant-invader rapists that matters, not that of the raped ethnic European women.

The German government, which most certainly does not represent ethnic Germans, is countering Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Raisa Blommestijn, and Marie-Therese Kaiser with a plan to “protect democracy” by seizing the bank assets of German citizens who donate money in support of politicians who think Europe is for ethnic Europeans. See this.

So what we have is anti-white, brainwashed, indoctrinated European governments organizing the replacement of European ethnicities in their own ethnic countries and the transformation of the countries into towers of babel.

In the United States the destruction of white people is proceeding along a slightly different line. Over the decades the American ruling elites, which excludes “the people,” have solidified their control by establishing groups of intellectuals, media, celebrities, and government officials in organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, the World Economic Forum, and there are many others, that have laid down the correct line, departure from which is minimal if a person intends to remain in the “formulation of public opinion.” Dissenters from official narratives are simply excluded from recognition.

The Aspen Institute, funded by several US federal agencies to serve Washington’s agendas, has created a “Commission on Information Disorder.” See this.

“information disorder” is caused by truth-tellers, so the solution to the problem is to suppress truth-tellers. Garry Kasparov, the noted and celebrated Soviet dissident, who abhors Trump and Putin, resigned from the Aspen Institute’s “Commission on Information Disorder” because it reminded him of the Soviet Union’s efforts to mind control the Soviet population,

Internal memos of the Aspen Institute say they must keep Kasparov’s resignation secret as otherwise it could hurt the credibility of the Aspen Institute’s ability to indoctrinate the American people.

Think about the members of the Aspen Institute. They are rich, mindless. They consider themselves important and are proud of their recognition as such by being members of the Aspen Institute. They welcome the high level approval associated with contributing to the official agendas. They are convinced that “white supremacy” in America can only be overcome by reducing the white population to a closely regulated in thought and deed minority.

In other words, the Aspen Institute and the rest of the elite organizations are a thousand-fold worst enemy of the American people than Russia, China, and Iran combined.

Perhaps this is dawning on the insouciant American population, a population long protected from reality by myths of its pureness and goodness and the home of the free. Military families themselves have turned on the anti-white US military and discourage their sons from signing up. Consequently, the services cannot meet their recruitment goals. After all, what white person would be motivated to serve the Biden regime’s anti-white view of America?

As white American citizens begin to comprehend that they are regarded as America’s enemy, US politicians are advocating signing up the immigrant-invaders who have violated our borders into the US military. In America as in Rome where Roman reliance on Germans as troops resulted in German rule, America will be ruled by immigrant-invaders. It is only a matter of time.

As an historical entity, the United States of America is far past her prime. With the Democrats’ open border policy and Democrat agitation for giving the vote to immigrant-invaders, it is difficult to say whether even the concept of the US as a nation any longer exists. How is a land without borders a country?

How is it that a country such as the USA whose President, legislature, and judiciary refuse to protect America’s borders has a government that lacks commitment to its own survival, but although totally uncommitted to the survival of its own country is committed to the survival of Ukraine and Israel?

Clearly, throughout the Western world democracy is a total failure. It is impossible for “representative government” to represent the ethnic citizens of the countries. In effect, the Western peoples are being erased, not only their voice, but their physical presence on earth.

The post The Murder of a Civilization appeared first on LewRockwell.

Of Men and Myths

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

“Donald Trump doesn’t trust women. I do. ” — “Joe Biden” on “X”

There comes a time when the rigors and exertions of being insane just aren’t worth it anymore. You end up in a deadly Pareto distribution in which 80 percent of your energy gets wasted on hallucinating and the rest is barely enough to get yourself dressed, comb your purple hair, and choke down a granola bar.

Verging on a long, hot summer, the party behind “Joe Biden” looks like a 1950s horror movie, complete with lurching ghouls, evil scientists in white lab coats, and the sore beset denizens of Anytown USA screaming down the streets. Only it’s the actual life of our nation now, and it looks like an awful lot of the people who live here lawfully have had enough of it.

The mysterious cabal in power knows that they must ditch the old stumblebum pretending to run for president, and time is running out to get the dastardly deed done. They are staring down a month of dread days that lead to the proposed great debate between the major party candidates, which is doomed to play like a combo of the classic horror movie endings — the unmasking of the phantom with a wooden stake driven through his heart, with Donald Trump cast as Prof Van Helsing. Can our resourceful intel blob instead maybe find a way before that to make it look like the “president” passed away peacefully in his slumber? Or perhaps it would suffice to just leak the voice recording of his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur and allow people to compare what’s in it with the already-released printed transcript.

Here’s just how crazy the party is: rumor has it that they might just rudely shove oId “JB” aside and try the Hail Mary pass of inviting RFKJr back on-board from exile to head the ticket. The Kennedy name alone used to be synonymous with the party’s brand, is their thinking, you see. Trouble is, the Democratic Party is, in reality, synonymous with the intel blob that infests it, and protects it in the service of protecting its own sorry ass. You might recall that RFKJr has publicly stated that his father and uncle were murdered by that selfsame intel blob, which he has promised to treat very harshly were he actually elected. So, scratch that gambit.

Beyond that, you’re back to the maddening rotation of Gavin Newsom, Michelle, and Rodan the Flying reptile, a.k.a. She-Whose-Turn-It-Is — all of them appallingly impossible. Gavin might have been Mr. Dreamboat incarnate — that hair! that height! those teeth! — prompting a pandemic of The Vapors among ladies who lately predominate in the Democrat rank-and-file. But, alas, under his charge California degenerated into a Woke bedlam of diseased homeless junkies shitting all over his cities, with non-stop flash-mob looting, carjacking, and drag queen promenading in the background, and there’s no way of hiding it. Gavin Newsom has a big “L” carved on his forehead the way that Charlie Manson used to sport a swastika.

The Michelle ploy might tempt them, but let’s face it: it’s really just Barack getting a fourth term in the White House — really his fourth-and-a-half, since the Obama intel blob cabal was behind all the RussiaGate roguery that beset, preoccupied, thwarted, and overthrew Mr. Trump’s turn in office. Behind the still-charming Obama façade lurks a penumbra of menace. It begins to look like maybe he really did want to destroy our country, to complete the Cloward-Piven downfall that dedicated Marxians deem the necessary step to creating their nirvana of equity and inclusion. And there are still those dark tales of his coke-fueled cruising nights in Chicago. . . and the mysterious death of his paddle-boarding chef-pal on Martha’s Vineyard. . . and those persistent rumors that what you see in Michelle is not what you get. Can you really see Barack hosting kaffeeklatsches in the East Room while Michelle plans drone strikes in the Oval?

So, finally there is. . . Hillary. After all, she still stalks this earth. She still pops up on TV regularly pronouncing this and that, mostly in the name of. . .  women. . . who just can’t get a fair shake in this land, despite running all the elite universities, the foundations, many corporations (especially MSNBC), and the new misinformation-squelching commissions. She’s still reminding all and sundry that the country owes her the Big Prize in this era of historic firsts. She also happens to own the DNC, the apparatus that actually runs the party’s affairs. Her last time around (2016) she simply shoved primary election leader Bernie Sanders off-the-plank when convention time rolled around and there was nothing else left to do. Personally, I’d love to see the rematch. It would be the end of the party, which apparently doesn’t grok just how much America loathes her.

Much more, I daresay, than even the Golden Golem of Greatness who is metamorphosing day by day into an archetypal hero that the ancient Greek myth-makers would be proud of as he survives one tribulation after another thrown at him by Nemesis. Now, as he awaits conviction in the shuck-and-jive court case under mad dog Judge Juan Merchan, he ventured onto Democratic Party sacred ground up in the South Bronx to a surprisingly warm welcome by exactly the hard-up people the Democrats pretend to care about (as long as they stay down on the plantation and don’t get too uppity).

Will Judge Merchan actually try to send the candidate to jail? Or maybe confine him to Trump Tower under some sort of house arrest? With maybe a big clunky ankle-bracelet for additional humiliation? That will be ripe. Let me proffer some advice to the Judge: the last thing you want to do with an archetypal hero is give him a prison to break out of so he can come roaring out for vengeance. In the end, Mr. Trump could accomplish something truly remarkable: bringing our country back together as a people united against being fucked-around by their own government.

Reprinted with permission from

The post Of Men and Myths appeared first on LewRockwell.

Chestertonian Realism as the Cure for Modern Insanity

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

Having written a book on Modernism—still in the editing process—I have, at this point, become something of an expert on the subject. I do not relish in this fact, as Modernism, being the “synthesis of all heresies,” is a web of insanity and confusion. Perhaps you have seen one of those police dramas or thriller shows with that classic trope of the detective who stays up all night piecing together evidence on a display board; in the morning, his colleagues come in to find him—hair disheveled, coffee cups everywhere, ashtrays filled with cigarettes—and he says, “I did it! I figured out who killed him!” The poor man has solved the case, but he has almost lost his mind in the process; it is very dangerous to enter into the mind of a killer in order to catch him.

I can relate to this man in the story because it has been quite an unnerving process to study deeply the mind of the Modernist, who is, in many ways, as or more deranged than the murderer. You see, a murderer is probably saner than the Modernist because the murderer is a realist. The murderer believes in life and death—thus, he kills his victim; the murderer usually believes in right and wrong—thus, he kills the victim because he believes he has been wronged by him; the murderer believes that justice is real—thus, he runs from the law; sometimes the murderer is even a moral man who believes in sin—thus, he confesses his crime to the police in order to alleviate his conscience.

Modernists believe—if we can say they believe anything—that reality has been bifurcated into a dualist Cartesian theater of the interior and exterior life that are independent of one another. Descartes said cogito, ergo sum—I think, therefore I am—and turned reality upside down, making himself the starting point for reality, thereby relativizing all exterior truth. The mad Modern philosopher who adopts Descartes’ dualism takes his cold, hard subjectivism as a cold, hard fact, not realizing the futility of adopting subjectivism objectively.

Kant took Descartes’ dualism and turned it into a whole philosophical school based on the notion that active and vital experience of things was a measure of the truth of a thing. Kant was not an objectivist, but he was, in a sense, logically consistent in a world of illogicality and positive subjectivism. Hegel followed in Kant’s footsteps—if they really were footsteps because there would be no way of knowing if Kant had objectively stepped—and applied the evolutive aspect of a proto-Darwinian metaphysics wherein thesis and antithesis smashed together as opposing forces to synthesize opposites into a composite of solidified contradiction. For Hegel, truth began in the subjective, but it was objectively synthesized by the active process of a Hegelian synthesis.

Henceforth, all truth, to use the term loosely, became an evolutionary process governed by the blind laws of nature that had neither telos nor common sense. The metaphysical evolutionist became the biological evolutionist, and reality became ever more absurd. Not only did the interior life of man govern reality based on his changing personality and self-actualization, but the physical underpinnings of live reality were no longer solid or stable. Evolution in metaphysics destroyed reality as it had always been understood. Chesterton said as much in Orthodoxy:

[Evolution] means that there is no such thing as an ape to change, and no such thing as a man for him to change into. It means that there is no such thing as a thing. At best, there is only one thing, and that is a flux of everything and anything. This is an attack not upon the faith, but upon the mind; you cannot think if there are no things to think about. You cannot think if you are not separate from the subject of thought. Descartes said, “I think; therefore I am.” The philosophic evolutionist reverses and negatives the epigram. He says, “I am not; therefore I cannot think.”

This madness was picked up first by the Protestants—which should be expected, considering heretics always believe strange things—and was adopted by Modernist Catholic scholars. Pius X’s crusade against Modernism was fierce; but, in a sense, it had come too late. This is not to criticize the holy pope but only to admit that reality had been destroyed long before the Hammer of Modernists was given the opportunity to define the greatest heresy in the history of the Church.

Read the Whole Article

The post Chestertonian Realism as the Cure for Modern Insanity appeared first on LewRockwell.

Washington Digs in Deeper on Its Support for Israel

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

Judging by developments over the past several weeks, it would appear that nothing going on in Washington matters quite as much as defending Israel no matter what the Jewish state does. The White House and its befuddled leader President Joe Biden are obsessed with every twist and turn of the Israel and media shaped narrative, basing it on two key words “terrorism” and “antisemitism.” It plays out like this: Israel is a victim of terrorism from enemies seeking to destroy it and those who criticize the Israeli “self-defense” response are motivated by nothing less than antisemitism. It is also being claimed ludicrously in Washington that Israel is fully capable of investigating itself if war crimes actually were committed, something that it never has done, note particularly the lack of any follow-up in cases involving the recent killing of American citizens.

The necessity to support what are obviously parts of a suspect exculpatory narrative has administration clowns like Karine Jean-Pierre, Matthew Miller, John Kirby and Antony Blinken falling over themselves trying to explain developments using arguments which are frequently clearly based on lies. Sometimes the lies are huge, like the Blinken claims that the US foreign policy does not favor Israel and treats everyone the same, or that a thorough State Department investigation has failed to sustain the claims that Israel is engaging in war crimes to possibly include genocide.

The United States is also reflexively turning on any institution or government that has managed to anger Israel and its vitriolic psychopath leader Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The recent decision by Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize Palestinian statehood brings to 145 the number of countries now taking that step. The move infuriated Netanyahu who summoned those countries’ ambassadors and called it a “reward for terror.” One wonders if the US will follow suit and either break diplomatic relations with those three otherwise friendly and even allied countries or in some other fashion punish or sanction them. That terrorism often operates in two directions and Israel has been a cruel, racist and capricious occupying power seems to have escaped the attention of the Washington punditry which is only engaged in finding in Israel a perpetual victim innocent of all charges.

And then there is the recent declaration by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague that it would be seeking warrants relating to possible war crimes for Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as well as the leader of Hamas Yahya Sinwar, plus his deputies Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh. This produced a scream of anguish from the White House which first argued that the ICC has no jurisdiction as Israel, like the US, is not a signatory to the Rome Treaty that founded the court in 2002 even though Palestine is. Joe Biden also said on Monday that “Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence—none—between Israel and Hamas.” He backed up this legally irrelevant statement with the usual assertion that “we will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.” The court, in fact, was created to address war crimes and genocides that had escaped normal investigation and prosecution and the 124 signatory nations to it are empowered to arrest those named individuals who have outstanding warrants if they should happen to enter their jurisdictions.

The second argument being made both by Netanyahu and the Biden squeakers is that Netanyahu and Gallant are demonstrably government officials, not terrorists, while Sinwar and his colleagues are, meaning that different standards must be used to judge their actions. Of course, the Jewish state’s mass murder of 40,000 civilians by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and its deliberate use of starvation just might fit most people’s definition of terror, but apparently is not convincing to Israel, the US Congress, White House and the Zionist controlled mainstream media.

Interestingly, as a side issue, since the United States is complicit in the war crimes being committed by Israel due to its funding and arming Netanyahu’s war, it too might wind up charged by the ICC. It would be a real wake-up call and might make many Americans, including myself, very happy to see Biden and Blinken in a prison cell! And by implication the ICC’s charges are also an indictment of Israel’s other Western allies. If Netanyahu is guilty of murder, extermination and deliberate starvation of civilians, so are those who arm and fund Israel while giving it political protection. That includes not only Joe Biden, but also Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer in Britain and other Western European leaders who are sitting on the fence and regretting the death rates while also providing arms to Netanyahu. For Washington, however, unlike its European allies, given that there is a real potential threat against the US political leadership, a very sharp response has been triggered. Twelve GOP Senators have issued a threat letter to the court that stated that the US would sanction justices and other staff working for ICC as well as their families, including blocking their ability to travel to or through the United States and going after their assets. It ended with “You have been warned!” Several other bills are also currently moving through Congress that will directly challenge the authority and mission of the court, all being done to protect Israel.

And there’s more. Israel, which is frequently described as a “great US ally,” which it is not, and a “democracy,” which it is also not, is currently ranked in opinion polls as the most despised country in the world followed by the United States, which is rated as the country most likely to start a major war. The US, through direct Treasury transfers and various other “charity” gimmicks and trade subsidies, gives Israel, a tiny country, a huge $10 billion or so per year. This year, to fund the war, the flow has been closer to $30 billion and Biden has vowed that his mission is to keep Israel “secure” even if it means having to ignore the Constitution of the United States by engaging in a war that is not declared and which did not develop from a demonstrable threat to the United States or its vital interests. Israel, hardly a vital US interest in the real world, was completely capable of destroying Gaza without US help, it just would have had to spend its own money to do so.

The power of the Israel Lobby is such that, not only are Americans denied the truth by a twisted war narrative, critters in Congress are coming out of the woodwork to see what they can do to help “America’s greatest ally!” Bills in Congress include one particularly bizarre one that would legalize deporting to Gaza student-protesters who are arrested or detained while out demonstrating “pro-Hamas,” which is inevitably described as the felony referred to as “material support of terrorism!” The Republicans in Congress are currently taking the lead in launching legislation to benefit the Israelis, including some schemes that are so strange (or illegal) that they are worth noting. On May 17, legislation was introduced and referred to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Cosponsored by two Republicans, Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania and Ohio Representative Max Miller, H.R. 8445 went largely under the radar to provide direct support for those wishing to serve in the Israeli army. Miller is Jewish and Reschenthaler appears to be a Christian Zionist.

The Congressmen are proud of what they have done. “Over 20,000 American citizens are currently defending Israel from Hamas terrorists, risking their lives for the betterment of our ally,” said Reschenthaler in a recent statement. “This legislation will ensure we do everything possible to support these heroes who are standing with Israel, fighting for freedom, and combating terrorism in the Middle East.”

“As our closest ally in the Middle East continues to defend itself against terror, many brave Americans have decided to lend a hand,” added Miller. “I’m proud that this legislation extends important protections to those Americans who chose to risk their lives in the fight against terror.”

What H.R. 8445 aims to do is make a series of amendments to programs that ordinarily have only been available to active duty, reserve or National Guard members of the US military — the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). These amendments would do something absolutely unprecedented in extending the benefits provided by these programs to American citizens serving in a foreign military, in this case that of Israel.

The SCRA grants American servicemembers “legal and financial protections against default judgments in civil legal cases, reduces interest rates on any pre-service loans to a maximum of 6 percent, and provides protections against home foreclosures. USERRA ensures US servicemembers are covered by relevant “civilian job rights and benefits for veterans, members of reserve components, and even individuals activated by the President of the United States to provide Federal Response for National Emergencies.”

In effect, H.R. 8445 is a measure designed to provide federal government legal and financial protections to US citizens serving with the Israeli military in both Gaza and on the West Bank. Mostly consisting of dual national settlers from the United States, there are more than 23,000 US citizens serving in the IDF as of February 2024. Some Israeli army reservists living in the US have also been summoned back to Israel to fight. Twenty-one Americans in IDF units have been killed inside Gaza, another one died along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, and another was killed in Jerusalem while serving in Israel’s border police.

This number of American-Israeli soldiers is in part fed by the presence of an estimated 600,000 Americans living in areas that are under Israeli control, prior to October 7th. These settlers tend to be political hardliners supportive of the Netanyahu government’s war crimes and they often commit war crimes themselves directed against the local Palestinian population.

Pro-Israel sentiment runs deep in the White House but seemingly even more so in the GOP. Some Americans were rightly shocked when Representative Brian Mast of Florida shortly after the Hamas attacks on October 7th, arrived on the floor of the House of Representatives wearing his Israel Defense Forces (IDF) uniform. “As the only member to serve with both the United States Army and the Israel Defense Forces, I will always stand with Israel,” Mast wrote in a post on X, alongside several photos of him wearing the uniform.

Mast is a bit confused since as a US Congressman he is supposed to “always stand with America.” He should be impeached and shown the door, but, alas, there is little or no patriotic spirit in the federal legislature, which only asks itself “What have I done today for our good friend and ally Israel.” And worse might be coming. It is reported that “House Speaker Mike Johnson said on Wednesday that he’s ready to move forward with formally inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress but he’s waiting on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to sign on.” Another Bibi victory parade in front of a cheering US Congress could be coming right up! It is the ultimate tragedy for our times that a war criminal should be thus glorified and many are beginning to think that the “wag the dog” relationship will inevitably lead to nuclear war triggered by the reckless Jewish state that will inter alia destroy the United States of America. It is definitely something worth thinking about it!

Reprinted with permission from The Unz Review.

The post Washington Digs in Deeper on Its Support for Israel appeared first on LewRockwell.

Meanwhile, We’re Still WAY Too Close To Nuclear Armageddon

Sab, 25/05/2024 - 05:01

While the antiwar zeitgeist has been quite understandably focused on the genocide in Gaza, over the past few weeks we’ve been seeing some very disturbing reports about empire managers ramping up nuclear brinkmanship escalations in Ukraine that are worth going over.

Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp has been doing a great job covering these developments, as usual. Here are a few recent stories from which deserve some attention today.

Blinken Pushing To Let Ukraine Hit Russian Territory With US Weapons
Many members of Congress are also calling for President Biden to lift the ban, which risks a major escalation
by Dave DeCamp@DecampDave #Blinken #Ukraine #Russia #NATO

— (@Antiwarcom) May 23, 2024

In an article titled “Blinken Pushing To Let Ukraine Hit Russian Territory With US Weapons,” DeCamp goes over a New York Times report about a “vigorous debate” within the Biden administration over whether to let Ukraine use US-supplied war machinery to attack targets in the Russian Federation itself. This would risk direct hot war between Russia and NATO, as Moscow already made explicitly clear recently with regard to similar developments in the UK.

“Moscow recently warned the UK that if Ukraine used British weapons on Russian territory, Russian forces would target UK military sites in Ukraine ‘and beyond’,” DeCamp writes. “The warning came after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine had the ‘right’ to use British arms in attacks on Russia.”

Obviously Ukraine has the “right” to attack Russia since Russia is attacking Ukraine; nobody disputes this. What is of course disputed is that it is wise or moral to risk the life of every terrestrial organism by tempting hot warfare between Russia and NATO over who controls Kharkiv.

In “Speaker Johnson Thinks Ukraine Should Use US Weapons on Russian Territory,” DeCamp reports on a letter sent by a bipartisan group of House representatives urging the president to lift any restrictions on the Ukrainians using US-supplied weapons to strike Russian territory “in the way they see fit.” Which means pressure is mounting both within the White House and on Capitol Hill to escalate nuclear tensions in this way.

In “Estonia Says NATO Countries Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Sending Troops to Ukraine for Training,” we learn of Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas’ casual support for openly sending large numbers of NATO forces into Ukraine for training purposes. Small, unofficial special operations forces from NATO powers have long been active in Ukraine, but what the Estonian PM is advocating would be a significant escalation from there. DeCamp notes that “Estonia, Lithuania, and France have all expressed interest in deploying troops” in Ukraine.

All this insanely hawkish rhetoric is already drawing a response from Moscow. In “Russia Begins Nuclear Weapons Drills Near Ukrainian Border,” The Libertarian Institute’s Kyle Anzalone reports on new war games which were announced by the Russian government “in response to Western leaders suggesting NATO troops could enter Ukraine.”

Russia Begins Nuclear Weapons Drills Near Ukrainian Border
by Kyle Anzalone@KyleAnzalone_ #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #nuclearweapons

— (@Antiwarcom) May 22, 2024

There was a lull in nuclear brinkmanship between NATO and Russia as the uncertainties of the Ukraine war and the influence the hawks would have over it got clearer, and things reached a cruel and bloody semblance of stability. But as Ukraine loses ground and runs out of manpower we’re starting to see some frantic flailings throughout the western empire on a front where cool heads are of existential importance to the survival of our species.

It would feel so unbelievably idiotic if we woke up to learn that nuclear war has begun after a series of reckless escalations and unpredictable developments led to a rapid sequence of events from which there could be no return. But that’s not an unreasonable fear at this point in history, and we are moving much, much too close to that ledge.


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The post Meanwhile, We’re Still WAY Too Close To Nuclear Armageddon appeared first on LewRockwell.