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Ben Bernanke commenta la proposta di Ron Paul per il controllo del bilancio della Fed

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Qualche tempo fa il senatore Ron Paul ha proposto una legge per avere più trasparenza sull'operato della Federal Reserve.

Perchè poter controllare il bilancio della Fed?

La proposta di legge di Ron Paul mira a togliere la cortina fumosa che avvolge e nasconde le attività segrete ed inspiegabili della Federal Reserve. Il congresso ed il popolo americano hanno una visibilità minima, se non inesistente, sulle migliaia di miliardi di dollari che la Fed gestisce.

U.S. Home Price Drops at Record Pace in December

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Prices of U.S. single-family homes plunged 18.5 percent in December from a year earlier as the monthly pace accelerated, according to a Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller home price index on Tuesday.

Authors: Beware of Copyright

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When an author signs a publication contract, insofar as it contains strict and traditional copyright notices, he is pretty much signing his life away. It used to be that the publisher would maintain control only so long as the book is in print. Today, with digital printing, this means forever: your lifetime plus 70 years.

During this time, you can't even quote significant portions of your own writing without permission from the publisher, and you could find yourself paying the publisher for the rights. You can't read your own book aloud and sell the results. You certainly can't give a journal a chapter.

You could try to be sneaky and change the text a bit, right? Wrong. They've thought of that. You will own and control new matter but the old matter is still the private possession of The Man.

Credit crunch? What credit crunch?

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By Brian Love

PARIS (Reuters) - The credit crunch is not nearly as severe as the U.S. authorities appear to believe and public data actually suggest world credit markets are functioning remarkably well, a report released on Thursday says.

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